![]() Author has written 19 stories for Harry Potter, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Star Wars, Doctor Who, Merlin, and Chronicles of Narnia. About me I'm a British, female English Literature graduate in my early twenties, studying in Wales. I like chocolate, reading, writing and music. I also have a keen interest in mythology and magic. I hate prejudice, hypocrisy and salad. I'm also a bit of a nitpicker when it comes to grammar and spelling. I'm also attempting to make it with original fiction, so my writing focus is primarily on those now. About fanfiction Ships: Buffy the Vampie Slayer: Buffy/Angel, Buffy/Xander, Buffy/OC, Buffy/Riley, Willow/Tara, Xander/Anya, Faith/Xander, Faith/Robin. Charmed: Piper/Leo. Harry Potter: Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, James/Lily, Neville/OC, Sirius/OC, Remus/Tonks, and Remus/OC. Merlin: Arthur/Gwen, Merlin/Morgana, Morgana/Lancelot, Uther/Igraine. Pride and Prejudice: Elizabeth/Darcy, Jane/Bingley, Lydia/OC. Smallville: Clark/Lois, Chloe/Jimmy, Martha/Lionel. Occasionally Lex/Lana, or Lana/Pete. I can stomach Clark/Lana in stuff set in the early Smallville period, but not so much once Lois - his one true love - has appeared. Star Wars: Padmé/Anakin, Obi-Wan/Sabé, Obi-Wan/Siri, Typho/Dormé, Han/Leia, Luke/Mara. Supernatural: John/Mary, Sam/Jess, Sam/Ruby, Sam/OC, Dean/OC. Crossovers: Buffy/Harry, Sam Winchester/Faith Lehane, Buffy/Daniel Jackson (from Stargate: SG1), and - the big one - Dean Winchester/Buffy Summers! Dislike ships: Almost all slash (I can stand a well-written background slash from minor characters, or Sirius/Remus). Draco/Ginny and Draco/Hermione, unless the fic's really AU or extremely good. Harry/male - he just doesn't suit being with a guy. Snape/just about anyone. That includes Lily - I don't think he was in love with her. Just loved her. Chloe Sullivan/Clark Kent. Arthur/Merlin - c'mon, those are legends being bastardised by that slash pairing! Categories: Harry Potter, Star Wars, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Charmed, Smallville, Merlin, Doctor Who, Jane Austen, Tamora Pierce. Genres: AU. Dark Harry fics, including Harry in Azkaban, Lord Harry, and AU. Time-travel fics. AU Star Wars, where Anakin doesn't turn to the Dark Side, particularly when someone else plays Darth Vader. Crossovers between any of the above 'fandoms'. Buffy/Dean fics - including dark fics. Doctor and Donna fics - no pairing, they just interact brilliantly. My fics... Harry Potter I have numerous stories within this fandom, and while I still love it, do not expect too many more. I'm participating in a wider range of fandoms now and, as an adult, I'm finding challenges in writing other stories. I will attempt to finish Teasing, Teaching and Time-Travel, but at this juncture it looks unlikely. Curses, Prophecies and the Elemental Guardians Universe: Name of the whole 'series'. The first is The Elemental Guardians, which is finished. Fifteen Years is a long one-shot that covers the fifteen years between the end of Elemental Guardians and Harry Potter and the Elemental Warriors, which is Part 2 or 3, depending on how you categorise Fifteen Years (1 1/2). Harry Potter and the Elemental Warriors is a Half-Blood Prince 'replacement', though it does include a few elements such as Voldemort's family and certain characters. This universe is on hiatus, possibly abandoned due to writer's block and growing out of the story. Teasing, Teaching and Time-Travel: My time-travel - and most popular - fic. Written to subvert several fanfiction conventions. I know it's been ages since I updated, but I've got severe writer's block on it! One-shots: Five of them! One Harry/Hermione, Fool's Mistake, which is slightly song-ficish, but not enough for it to be worthy of removal. Also quite angsty. Four Harry/Ginny fics. An Ultimate Dream was written for SIYE's Dream Challenge and won Most Romantic. It's set after an AU sixth-year. Boredom and Insanely in Love kind of relate to each other and are set around the school. Christmas Presents is an AU, post-Hogwarts fic where Harry destroys Voldemort, very fluffy. Star Wars The Force Deception Trilogy: A Star Wars alternate universe, with a trilogy and several one-shots. Bloody Sands: A one-shot, but takes place before most of DQaWK. Young Anakin's revenge on his mother's rapist, mentioned in Chapter 5 of DQaWK. Dark Queen and White Knight: Complete. The first story, covering the Prequel Trilogy. Includes new characters, a rewriting of many events, and an embodiment of the Force. Padmé/Anakin, Obi-Wan/Sabé, Dormé/Typho. First Blood: One-shot. During DQaWK, around the second or third chapter in the periods that are skipped over. Padmé's first seduction and kill as a Sith. Last Failure: One-shot. Again during DQaWK, similar time period. Padmé's last failure for Sidious, since someone mentioned she was getting off very lightly from him. This was my attempt to explain why. Loyal Rebellion and Treacherous Empire: Being written. Covering the Intertrilogy period. More difficult in some respects, because I've read very little of the extended universe, so most of the factual occurrances are being pulled from Wookieepedia. Same pairings as before. Includes Mara Jade, Han Solo, and more new characters, including family members. To be titled: I had a title, but someone reviewed with a better suggestion that I might use. Covers the Original Trilogy. Only very vaguely planned, primarily through which bits of the Original Trilogy period I plan to skew. Dark Queen and White Knight Fanart: Can be found at Twisting the Hellmouth: http:///story.php?no=12164&chapter=1. This includes portrayals of some of the Original Characters, a picture of the Jedi Council of Chapters 11-13, and some sketches drawn by a very nice fan! Other Keeping Moments Secret: A collection of Merlin drabbles. Drabbles are great because I can post them as and when I write them, and each one is separate and discrete. They also make an excellent writing exercise. Fragments in Time: Originally just the story 'Watching', a second Doctor Who one-shot inspired me to turn it into a collection of one-shots. Once again, one-shots have the advantage of not teasing readers and leaving them hanging. Crossovers There are a few crossover stories, varying dependent on my thoughts and in age. Buffy/Harry Potter Crossovers: Currently two-posted, though neither has had much written on them for the past year. Connections: Twist of Fate will at some point be removed and re-written as I can no longer write a Harry/Hermione pairing convincingly, since I was converted even before HBP. Both of these are honestly abandoned. Legacy: A one-shot providing Susan Pevensie with a reason for living and 'forgetting' Narnia. I always loved Susan's character as a child, and I liked the idea of her living for a deeper reason than supposedly abandoning Narnia. In some ways, she was the only one who could live in the 'real' world after Narnia's influence. Fanart Fanart in general - mostly Buffy crossovers - can also be found at Twisting the Hellmouth. Includes crossovers with Harry Potter, Supernatural and Stargate, among others. More can be found at the proboard forum Paradise Lost. There's also some fanfiction I've posted there that I have not posted here, partially due to concerns about ratings. Here: http:///authors.php?no=5798&list=published Please check it out. |
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