Author has written 20 stories for Lord of the Rings, Treasure Planet, Lost, Inuyasha, Black Jewels Trilogy, Pirates of the Caribbean, Harry Potter, Teen Titans, Mars, Song of the Lioness, Danny Phantom, and Avatar: Last Airbender. I live in a world of evertwilight; If you don't like it tough. Hi, my name is not going to be revealed for security purposes. Long, eh? Who is "ArcherofDarkness and Callie": We are two girls who enjoy the finer things in Fanfiction. We are not sisters, sadly, and since Callie has no e-mail address, we share the same pseudonym. DUE TO RECENT MUCKING (Steve) CALLIE IS HAVING TROUBLE POSTING, PLEASE DO NOT COMPLAIN AS CALLIE IS TRYING HER HARDEST TO UPDATE! Thank you. ME (aka the ArcherofDarkness)I live in Raleigh, NC where I attend NC State. Engineering kicks ass! Trying to get back into this stuff to take my mind of of other things and work on my fiction writing. Carpe Diem: Sieze the Day I love this story but currently am trying to stay away from OC's. Will be continued in the future. Lament to a Mushroom Ah, for the hobbit obsessed. Finished and rather humorous. Lost and Alone From back when I used to watch Lost. Finished. Mirrors THIS STORY IS OVER AND DONE! Well, unless I really get bored and feel like writing a sequel. Peur Moi: Fear Me Will either have a serious makeover or be taken down. Treasure Planet, my style Also finished, I'm so proud of myself! Valinor Another that I'm holding off on until I can get some good characer development going in my mind. (It's just too Sueish) Wandering Moon, Smoldering Ember My current hobby. Updated about every week. Please read people, and review. I know you read, so if you do, just send a little review like: (I read, write) or critisism is fine, just please, no mindless flames, otherwise i will be forced to label you as a Man-Bear-Pig. (For those who watch South Park) |