Author has written 14 stories for Fifty Shades Trilogy, Twilight, and Harry Potter. As of August 2023, this profile is under construction. If you're looking for the Pinterest pages for my currently completed fics just know that I am moving all fic related boards to a strictly fandom account you can find here: www dot Pinterest dot com/ dracoobsidius (remember to remove the spaces and "dot" and replace with a period. My profile is under ObsidianDraconis, my penname) and that until I edit the fics I plan to, those boards will not be there at all. That is why that section has been removed from where it was further down on my profile. I am also planning on editing, adding to, etc etc several of my currently completed fics. I do not know when, so please don't ask. Just know that when I do, I will be placing those edits on AO3 (archive of our own) and will be replacing the OG fics here with them. We are not allowed to have duplicate stories, so I have to remove the OG versions, I do not make the rules of this site so don't bitch to me about it. I have no issues with anyone making themself a downloadable copy, but I do ask that you please not share them with others. Keep them for personal use only and direct anyone else to make their own copy. If you don't know how to make PDFs or whatever, I have asked that a copy of this story be uploaded into the files of a few Facebook groups. If you'd rather locate a copy there, please DM me here or any of my socials listed below and I will direct you to which groups. I am aware I can't stop you, but I would hope you respect me and my writing enough to follow my wants regarding MY story. I will also make announcements in the Facebook groups I am in (I will tell you what they are upon request via direct message) and my Twitter (now called X *eye roll*) and Instagram accounts under @ObsidianDraconi aka Ash (Twitter) and Ash Draconis (Insta) as well as my Tumblr account under @obsidiandraconis once those edits are in process so you know ahead of time that the fic will be coming down soon-ish. If you decide to follow my Tumblr, please don't have a blank account (if you do, please DM along with the follow) because I've been getting a LOT of porn bots and I immediately block any blank accounts or accounts I may think are spam. I must warn you, the edits I want to make on my fics will include more violence, sex (descriptive), and anything else I can't do on this site without violating their rules, so if I add the edits to this site, they still will not be exactly the same as what's on AO3. Also, I DO NOT give permission for anyone to translate my fics, or upload them to any other site such as Wattpad. If I learn you've done so, I will block you from accessing my profile at all. I am also extremely anti AI, so don't even touch my stuff with that. Don't make art for my fics using AI, or anything else. If you want to bind my fics, I give permission for personal use and gifting only (no money is allowed to be exchanged in any way, if you see someone selling bindings of my fics, let me know all the details of where, who, etc so I can do what's needed to get them removed because that shit is illegal and could jeopardize the fandoms we love. And yeah, I know I'm not a popular author and these things are likely moot points but given the recent entitlement I've seen in some fandoms, I feel like I need to make my stances clear. Hello!! My name is Ash and I'm a lover of stories. I don't claim to be a writer, I'm not really. I mean I wrote a few one-shots (please give them a try) and have somehow managed to write some not completely sucky full-length stories and I have a ton of stuff floating around in my never silent mind, but that doesn't mean anything really. I didn't go to school for it, I'm sure I've got a lot of booboos and editing mistakes. I'm still getting the hang of this site and everything. I like to read just about anything if it looks interesting so feel free to recommend stuff. I'm a major fan of Bella/Jasper fics, Bella/Paul fics, and of course Christian/Ana ones. Huge Dramione lover!! Huge!! I don't read certain deaths though, can't handle that. Anything where the mains are abusive and then boom, forgiven, is a no. Mostly fluff. I'm not too into angst, though I'll read it occasionally when I need a good cry. I mostly read Harry Potter, FSoG, Twilight, and Vampire Academy fics. That's me, just about. Lol. I'm an amiable person but I don't like people who are deliberately rude, I will become a mean rudey person right back (yes I'm sure that's not a word but whatever.). I will totally stand up for other authors against trollish people who find it necessary to be rude. I also moderate and delete shittastic guest reviews that are rude for no reason, and I will 100% block you if you’re signed in since I cant delete those, which is bullshit, so if you think you're going to get the attention you're craving from me, not happening. I don't post guest reviews unless they're constructive or nice. *shrugs* I don't care how that looks to you, I dealt with enough assholes in high school to not want to deal with them in my thirties thanks. Just a friendly warning. :) Also, please don't try and school me on facts in my stories. I've done plenty of research for those facts- I'm a research whore and even look up things that don't even matter in my story- and I'm sure whatever you're trying to tell me I have wrong, I actually have right because I researched the fuck out of it. I'll block you. I don't care what you make of that, won't stop me from doing it. Besides, this is fanFICTION. Some facts just don't matter as much as you really think they do. Just saying. Feel free to PM me. I like meeting new people. Update!! As of January 2017, I am on a brief hiatus while I work on a fic I have in mind. Due to the nature of its content, I would prefer to get it near perfect and near completion before posting it. It will be an All Human Twilight fic entitled Scars. Once done, I'll work on a Paul/Bella I have in mind and a Dramione. One Shots: Grown Men Don’t Cry- Fifty Shades Christian/Ana His Dark Side- Fifty Shades Christian/Ana Begin Again- Harry Potter Dramione Champagne Lace- Harry Potter Dramione Making Amends- Harry Potter Dramione Maybe I'm Amazed- Harry Potter Dramione Due To Chance- Twilight LaSwan (that’s my name for Bella/Paul fics) Is It Love?- Twilight Bellsper The Cabin- Twilight Bellsper (eventually to be multiple chapters) Complete: Isabella's Odyssey- Twilight Bellsper Slytherins Do It Better- Harry Potter Dramione Hallowed Be Thy Enemy- Harry Potter Dramione Twisted Family Tales- Twilight Bellsper 12 Nights of Christmas- Twilight Bellsper Incomplete: 0 I've decided to just add my disclaimer here on my profile so if I forget to add it to my first chapter A/N I don’t have that weird feeling like I’m naked and exposed (who here remembers the time when disclaimers were a must?). Lol. So, none of the works on my profile are being used for profit. All rights belong to EL James, Stephenie Meyer, JK Rowling, Summit Entertainment, Warner Bros., and anyone else that needs to be named in connection with Fifty Shades, Twilight, and Harry Potter. I do not own anything but any OC characters and plot lines. It isn’t mine, I just like playing in the sandbox. |