Author has written 4 stories for Norse Mythology, Misc. Games, and Macbeth. I'm Tom Moore, born in 1986 (now I don't have to edit this bio every birthday). I live in Guernsey, an island in the English Channel (no, I don't mean Jersey). I attended the University of Portsmouth for three years and often travel to the UK for various reasons. I am mildly autistic. I was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome when I was 12 years old. Boring stuff over. I'm into Rock music (especially Metal), computer games, science, technology, history, current affairs, politics, autism, human behaviour, some TV/film/literature. For games, I'm into platform, adventure (not hidden object), racing, city building, tycoon/business management, simulators, strategy/warfare and some indie titles for PC. For TV, I like soaps, crime drama, Star Trek, Simpsons, Family Guy, Game of Thrones, Lost, Blackadder and a few more British sitcoms. To begin with, you will see me upload some stories based in the universe of Dead in Vinland, a periodic survival management game with RPG elements by French indie developer CCCP. I have written a few shorts and finished a story 201 pages story in that universe. I have started a second, which I am uploading chapter-by-chapter as I write it. I ask that you PM me rather than post reviews until I mark work as complete, as I might address any concerns you may have before works are complete. Feel free to add me on Discord: Guernsey Tom#7709 |