Author has written 17 stories for Harry Potter, Old Kingdom/Abhorsen series, and Buffy: The Vampire Slayer. 7/15/05 Important: I'm now using the pen name Nebularific. I feel that I have out grown Fallen Darkness and need a change. fd, fall_d, her_fallen_darkness, her_fd, and etc. are still my user names/aliases/handles in some groups and at some sites; but anything new will be under Nebularific. I've linked my Live Journal as my 'homepage', so just click the link if you're looking for me/my fic/the meaning of life. Just incase that link doesn't work: http:///users/nebularific/ I've written a few things in the last year or two that aren't posted here. As of now, I don't plan to post anything new here. All of my recent/new fic is available on Live Journal in the memories section of my account. For current(er) bio of me, see the user info page of my LJ. I try to keep a list of which fandoms I'm currently into posted there. The following stories are unlikely to ever be finished: A Stolen Kiss Braking, Broken, Pieced Together Harry Potter and the Prediction I want to apologize to the fans of these stories. I'm sorry, I never should have posted anything that wasn't already completed. If anyone feels compelled to complete a story themselves, let me know, I'll probably let you. Everything else is completed. |