Author has written 39 stories for Teen Titans, Animal Crossing, Harry Potter, In The Forests of the Night, Inuyasha, Yu-Gi-Oh, Fullmetal Alchemist, Fruits Basket, Naruto, and Kingdom Hearts. Facts of My Life... Hello. If you're reading this profile now, you might want to stop because reading about my life is most likely rotting your brain. First off, yes, I am really a fifteen year old girl named Raven, regardless of what people think my writing says about my age. Hard to believe I"ve had this account over two years... Ah well. I have big dreams for writing, even if I'm not getting anywhere with it. Well, might as well move on to something more relevent... Music Style: I can and will tolerate anything, although I dislike most country music... That's me, though. My bands/artists include: Trapt, Three Days Grace, Three Doors Down, Linkin Park, Kelly Clarkson, Green Day, Amber Pacific, Hawthorne Heights, Yellowcard, Fall Out Boy, Panic! At theDisco, Train, Story of the Year and many others... Reading: I have a varity of favorite books, but I love fantasy more than any other type of book. Harry Potter, Eragon, Lord of the Rings, ect. I'm also fairly into mystery. Religon: Yes, I am a Christian. I don't care what you think of that. Anime: Yes, I love my anime. My favorites are probably Rurrioni Kenshin, Teen Titans (don't care if that's not an anime, happens to be my favorite show) Yu-Gi-Oh, Hellsing, Fruits Basket,InuYasha,Wolf's Rain, Naruto and others. Manga: Fruits Basket, InuYasha, Gravitation, Naruto, Wolf's Rain, Rurrioni Kenshin, Hellsing, Dragon Knights, Chobits, Ceres: Celestial Legend, and others... Random Ways To Contact Me And More Writing... Yes, I accept friends and reviews, and will add anyone who asks to friend's lists as long as you haven't given me a reason to do otherwise. Also, if you have the heart, please check out some of the stuff on my fictionpress account. _ Xanga: http:///home.aspx?user=Raven_The_Dark_Goddess(I am sorry to those who choose to read this... I was sugar-high the night I created the site and haven't gotten around to fixing it.) Live Journal: http:///users/roth_girl/(You may not want to find out the kind of person I actually am... Very different from my bubbly Xanga. Friends Only, comment to be added) AIM: ConfusedRaven (I accept any and all messages, and if I ask where you got the SN, just say fanfiction... Trust me, I'll be nicer if you answer) Fictionpress: poems. However, I have one spirital piece up that I would like to know how I did on. If you have time, I would appricate a review.) Fanfictions: My Ranting Okay, this is basically my rants, related to fanfiction or just related to my life. If you're easily offended, just skip this section or stop reading. And if I bash you or anything you hold true in any way, I'm sorry... That's just how I am. I can't stand pushy reviewers, for starters. One review will do, telling me what I'm doing wrong or right, but people that review four or five times telling me to UPDATE or e-mail me just get on my nerves. I'm flattered that people like the stories, and even more so that people enjoy me as an author, but I can't take that kind of stress- I don't update very often to begin with, and stuff like that just turns me OFF from updating. I don't like OOC that's not for humor, and if it's not funny, it's worse. Great example would be Teen Titan's character Cyborg. I know many people aren't his biggest fan, but the OOC-ness on him is often terrible and never funny. I understand we can't keep them in perfect character, because even I'm guilty of that, but people who don't try just make me sick. What's with you people who have yourselves on your own favorite's lists? I mean, really! I can't understand it- Are you trying to say you're cool and so you're your own favorite, or what? Being humble is a worthy quality-I only wish some people would TRY IT. SLASH/YAOI/YURI! Okay, yes, I will sometimes see it, and I do read it in Gravitation. What I can't stand is good characters who are obviously straight, such as Mirkou/InuYasha or Joey/Kabia- Couples that make NO sense and are written just because some people want to read lemon fics about them. I don't know, to me it's just not right. They were straight and should be left straight. Flames/Flamers. I know it's wrong for me to hate people like that, but if the story is of GOOD workmanship and you don't like the coupling, why bother flaming someone with good ideas who can write well? To me, that's just idiocy, mainly if you're someone with no form of contact, or even a story to your own name. If you don't write a story, you'll never understand why flames bother me so much- Authors put a lot of their own heart into their stories. Teen Titans- Couples Rae/Cy: I still love it, even if it is the least popluar couple. They're both part-human, with a lot of pain in their pasts, and they each need someone. Besides, I do appluade BB/T and Rob/Star, so they could each use someone. I know a lot of people dislike it just because it breaks up Rae/BB, but I don't care about those opinions- It's the same as the people that hate Terra because she 'stole' Beast Boy from Raven. (A reasoning I guess I'm just not meant to understand) Rob/Star: It's cute, and it exists. They go together and, like anything else, are obvious to anyone who watches the show. I just happen to like them together anyway- I wish Rob/Rae fans wouldn't bash Starfire to death, though, because not showing her as a person with feelings too gives those of us who care a little bit about Starfire a bad name. Rob/Rae: I love it, thanks to a few influental friends of mine.I've taken to writing about them a lot, and they're cute. However, I wish that Starfire wasn't bashed so much in their light- It doesn't help the reputation of the couple any. Those are my main couples, although I will read other ones... I do NOT, however, support Raven/Beast Boy. I'm not trying to be a hypocrite, but I seriously DO NOT believe that oppisites attract- It's cliched and unnatural, and I feel that that rule only applies to magnets. Shout Outs Morph: Thanks for everything you've done for me. You've been a great friend. I love your writing- Don't ever stop! I hope everything works out for you, you're a great guy and I wish you a lot of luck with your whole life. Friends forever, or at least so I hope. Talon: Thanks for everything. And by everything, I mean more things than I'll ever be able to type. You've been a great friend. Love your writing and your style, continue to write as well as you do. I've enjoyed reading it and leaving for you my crappy reviews. Amy: The last few years have been great. Band, chorus, camping, the band bus (Twitch, Grant in 'fuzzy' boxers)... Everything. Love you like a sister and hope we continue to have fun... (We're in band, and band is not fun! ((YEAH RIGHT)) Monnet: I MISS YOU! Anyway, now that that's out of my system, I hope things are alright for you. You're always going to be one of my best friends even across the space, and I hope you and I can stay just asclose. Love the writing, even if stupid me sometimes doesn't get 're one of the most memerable people I've met- Don't change yourself for anything! And if a evil razor, controlled by your father in your clothes, should come along, call me and I'll chase it away. _ Sarah: I'd say we've had some good times together- Larry is still ugly, but hey, you can't have everything. Just CENOR him, if nothing else works. Just remember, you can drive next year... CREEPY! Anyway, luv ya! Also, all219 of you that have me on your favorite authors list rule! Same with the 162 of you that have me on your author alerts list! You guys are what keep me updating my stories, so thank you. Quotes Teen Titans Quotes "We cannot change the truth, no matter how much we dislike it."-Raven, Final Exam "Great, Robin. More yelling will definatly stop all the yelling." -Raven 'How Long is Forever?' "Hey, I know where we are! We're in that place where I didn't know where we were before!" -Cyborg 'Nevermore' "Yes, Raven! You must volley the ball with us!" -Starfire 'Titan Rising' Terra: Raven! "Robin, who is this girl and why does she call you poo?" -Starfire 'Date With Destiny' BB: First you nuke breakfast, then you actually laugh at one of my jokes, then you're all weepy, and now you're a marine! Make up your mind! Who are you? Terra: Slade, I got away. They almost beat me. I was so afraid...Ow! BB: Raven! You should've seen the look on your face! You were so scared! "I'm not creepy. I'm just different. Can't anyone understand that?" Raven 'SpellBound' Beast Boy:Okay, Okay...I got one! Why are ducks so funny?...Because their always quaking jokes! (laughs) Monkey: Help me... "Fancinating. Can we go home now? I need a shower in the worst possible way." Raven "Can I keep Him?" BB: Ya, come home soon! Raven's no fun to play video games with! Random Quotes Mrs. Kasten: Young woman, if you don't prewrite, you will never amount to anything as a writer, never write a bestseller. Not now, not EVER. Monnet: Hey, your eyes are a different color. "I'm not afraid to die. I just don't want to be there when it happens." -Woody Allen Great minds discuss ideas; "In the book of life, the answers aren't in the back." - Charlie Brown "Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia." (Charles Schultz) If you read this, you have more time on your hands than me- And I'm the one who took the time to type it. Thank you to those of you who have given me either support or critizim- You've made me a much better writer than when I started. Feel free to contact me if you have anything you'd like to complain about, or perhaps tell me how to fix- But if it's my opinion you want to see changed, don't bother. Thank you to those of you helping with my dreams, whether you know it or not. "Today, tomorrow, forever... My life moves on, but part of my heart will always remember the person I was when life was simple, and simple was beautiful." Updated 5-18-06 |