Author has written 3 stories for Hunger Games. Tumblr handle is bubblegum1425: http:///blog/bubblegum1425. I mostly blog Hunger Games related things with a little of "other" this and that thrown in, should you wish to follow me. bubblegum1425 is also my AO3 name and all current and future stories will be found there as well: http:///users/bubblegum1425/works I just posted my first WIP last June, called The Sun Thief, and now have another story called The Way We Were in the works as well! Other than that, I have a series called Elevators, which will be in 4 parts (with a possible epilogue), and the "Disney" Everlark series as well, along with various one-shots. Woo! Even with everything going, I still feel like I'm just dipping my toes in the water, but I'm excited to be part of The Hunger Games writing community. I would absolutely love reviews so if you feel like sharing, by all means, I welcome it. I love The Hunger Games and Everlark in particular. I read AU, Canon... As long as the characters are mostly IN character, I'm good! My favorite stuff is probably the post-Mockingjay growing together stories, but I'm not picky. The only real requirement I have is that there be a happy ending :) I am also willing to beta read works, if you are looking for that. I'm one of those odd ducks that actually enjoys proofreading things. Or if you just want to bounce ideas off me, I love doing that as well. Plotting out stories is so much fun. Cheers bubbles UPDATE: Chapter 12 of The Sun Thief is now up. Chapter 5 of The Way We Were will be up soon. |