Author has written 2 stories for Harry Potter, and Keys to the Kingdom. Hi everyone. I am a college student, and a fan of Harry Potter. I read fanfiction for a long time and finally decided to try my hand at penning something. I must say,new ideas and originality are the hardest aspects of writing a fanfic. I hope to write more soon TOP 5 HP FICS (according to me) 1. Prince of the Dark Kingdom 2.Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality 3.Make a Wish 4.Rise of the Wizards 5.Altered Destinies TOP 4 HP CROSSOVERS(...) 1.A Study in Magic (Sherlock) 2.A Study in Magic: The Application("") 3.Wand and Shield(Avengers) 4.Prince of Death(PJO) |
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