![]() Author has written 14 stories for Battlestar Galactica, Zoids, X-overs, Mechwarrior/Battletech, Cars, Firefly, Airwolf, Harry Potter, and Knight Rider. Cue David Attenbrough Voice: The English Dragon-Raptor, is a most remarkable creature. Able to change between a variety of forms, whenever it is required. It can take on the form of Dragons, Raptors and humans at will. Protective of its own, and highly opinionated, it is however able to recognize talent when it sees it, even if the subject is not to its tastes. Has a taste for science fiction, as well as considerable interest in fantasy and 'Real World' settings. Prefers stories with a well thought out plot line and character development, and is a hopeless romantic at heart. Likes seeing bad guys getting their just rewards, while the main couples get together and stay together. Prefers for battles/action/'lemons' to have a central meaning to the story, rather than to be put in just as a filler. Considers quality to be more important than quantity. Finds crossover stories the most interesting, though thinks certain realms can not be used easily, such as Star Wars & Star Trek (too well known. Any Earth based people would know about them). /David Attenbrough Voice Sorry, couldn't resist doing that XD UPDATE 5th August 2015: Uh yeah, been a while... I know I haven't been posting for a long while. Real Life has been... a pain, recently. But I'm not going to bore you all with the details. Regarding Curse's Cure, no it is NOT abandoned. I do intent to finish it. However, my muse and will to write have both gone AWOL... I look at the story almost every day, thinking I should write something (I even know the outline/most of the details of the next chapter)... but it just doesn't want to happen right now. And I know if I forced it, the end result would be terrible, not up to my standards. those of you who followed Crisis should remember the gap that was in the midst of posting that story. I will try harder to get the next chapter out, I promise. I just can't give you all a timescale. Couples I want to see in stories (by setting in no particular order): Zoids: Van/Fiona, Raven/Resse, Bit/Leena, Brad/Naomi Battlestar Galactica (The original): Apollo/Sheba, with a bit of Starbuck/Cassiopeia Stargate SG-1: O'Neill/Carter Stargate Atlantis: Sheppard/Weir, Teyla/Ronan Star Wars (post NJO): Jaina/Jagged, Jacen/Danni (From NJO I just can't see a Jacen/Tenal Ka thing. Sorry...) Firefly: Mal/Inara, Simon/Kaylee Pirates of the Caribbean: Will/Elizabeth Corpse Bride: Victor/Emily (this is a hard one, to decide between Emily and Victoria, however Victoria comes across less strong to me...) Knight Rider: Michael/Bonnie Harry Potter: Harry/Hermione or Harry/Harem, with a few restrictions (see below), Remus/Tonks, Neville/Hannah In my opinion, the only witch for Harry is Hermione. Without her, everything falls apart. Harry/Ginny is so wrong (He hates his fame. She only sees his fame. That's not going to work...) and Hermione/Ron...(urk) ... I can't even think about that without feeling the urge to hurl! Harry/Luna I can understand and see where it comes from, but I personally am not a fan of that ship. Ginny needs to grow up a LOT to even be considered as a secondary lover. There are some excellent stories here that feature a 'mature' Ginny. However, I can not see Harry and Ginny exclusively. It's Harry & Hermione with options for others... For the Weasleys, I leave it to the author's to decide on their stance. I prefer the older brothers (excluding Percy) and Arthur to be with Harry, while Molly is almost (or even more) as manipulative as Dumbledork. Ron I couldn't care less for. He needs to grow up and start using that mass of material in his head for more than quidditch. He can be redeemed, but I kind of prefer the dumb dork version, excellent as the butt of many jokes. Speaking of Dumbledore... he's a twisted, manipulative old coot. The only question is if he's got good intentions but has lost sight of the cost in humanity, or if he's outright evil. You'll find both in my Fav's. Snape is just a right b*d whose 'canon' goals coincide with Harry's in the main. If there's any man who deserves a Harem, it's Harry. After all the he's had to put up with, he's earned some perks. But on the other hand, have the Harem too large and it won't work. Each woman will get less time with him... not to mention the performance anxiety he'd be suffering from! For me, the ideal number is three or five. And Hermione has to be one, the Primary. For those inclined, my I suggest trying to write this ship? Harry/Hermione/Susan/Daphne? I'd be very interested in the result... The following is a direct link to the rough map of Potter Manor that I use in my HP story (copy-paste into browser): http:///img836/8647/pottermanormap.png I might redo it at some point... -x-x-x-x- Story Types/Themes I dislike: Angst, Horror, Character Death, Angst, Hermione/Ron & Harry/'Cannon' Ginny, Slash, Angst, Far-fetched outlandish plot devices, Jaina/Zeke... did I mention angst? XD -x-x-x-x- My 'Legacies' Story arc goes as follows: Anicent Legaices -- Where it all began... Uncertain Future -- much darker than 'AL'. Be ready to rage at the bad guys or cower behind your chairs... Rebuilding Hope -- Short, focuses on character development Reuniting the Tribes -- Lots of action here! Lots of explosions! Oh, and some romance too... Bonds of Brotherhood -- Gets very dark in spots... Below are links to a couple of images of the 3D model of the Iguanosaur I created in Ancient Legacies :D (copy-paste into your browser to see) The second shows just how BIG it is... the green thing is a 3D model of a VW Golf, the white stick is a 6ft man... (gulp) http:///j6myiguanosaurj http:///jbiguanosaur02j http://www.fanfiction.net/f/537541/ -link to the C2 forum for the 'Legacies' story arc. Feel free to drop by the forum and say hello! -x-x-x-x- For those you reading my Harry Potter story: http(colon) / / www(dot)hpfanficarchive(dot)com/stories/viewstory(dot)php?sid=689 The direct link for the uncensored version of "Curse's Cure" This version is also in the process of being beta-read, so it should be a lot better (without all those annoying errors that creep in!) -x-x-x-x- And yes, before you look, I have WAY too many stories in my 'Favorites' list! |