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Joined 11-21-13, id: 5341177, Profile Updated: 06-14-14

Hey. You can call me Sam(not my name but i like the name). So here are the top 2 of my fandoms.


2.Harry Potter(I even have a replica elder wand)!!

3.Rise of the Guardians

Ok got that out of the way. Now I am a new writer so don't go easy on me and I may not have all the facts right so tell me if I'm wrong about something.


1.Raph Leo love triangle around an OC

2.Chocolate not dark it's to bitter for me

3.Fanfiction (duh)

4.Books and reading

5.2007 tmnt movie and 2012 universe 4evah!


7.DRAMIONE!!! (I know that i I'm mainly tmnt but hey I'm still a potterhead)


Things i don't like:

1. incest between the turtles

Most girls; Are cheerleaders

Other girls; Are captain of the football team

Most girls; Cry, bitch and stuff themselves with chocolate for a week after their boyfriend breaks up with them

Other girls; Put a sign on their ex-boyfriends back that says; "Never gonna get any"

Most girls: Learn how to bake bread and cakes from their mom

Other girls; Learn how to Barbecue from their dad.

Most girls; Play with dolls with their sister

Other girls: Play video games with their brother

Most girls; Have fits and plan revenge

Other girls: Play pranks

Most girls; Slap people

Other girls: Punch people

Most girls; Become anorexic and shove their fingers down their throats