Author has written 43 stories for Lord of the Rings, Emergency, Avengers, Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock, Peter Wimsey, A Little Princess, Misc. Books, and Quantum Leap. I've been writing fanfic for many years, in all sorts of fandoms and under more than one pen-name. This pen-name arose because I have been a rabidsamfan ever since I first read the Lord of the Rings, and Sean Astin only helped. My current hot fandom is Sherlock Holmes -- which is funny, as it was one of my first fandoms many years ago. I'm getting a huge kick out of seeing all the folks who are discovering or rediscovering it because of the new film. waves hi Most of my fic is canon based, but I love several of the adaptations, and I'm not above playing with the chronology on my own. And now for the soapbox! One of the things which LotR fandom gave me is a love of drabbles -- and in fact I am something of a pedant over the terminology. A short piece of prose is a ficlet, you see, whether it is a vignette or character study, but it does not become a drabble until it is measured. (In my case by the Word word count tool, although I do sometimes hand count as well. Neither the gdocs wordcount or the ff.n wordcount bear any resemblance to accuracy.) So when I say I'm telling a story in drabbles, I mean it. Here's the vocabulary you can expect of me: Drabble -- 100 words precisely. I go by the "four word limit" for titles too, with rare exceptions for quotations. (I will allow for "fixed-length ficlet" when it comes to any multiple of fifty words, but I haven't read/heard/coined terms for the others.) Drabbles are the sonnets of prose, in my not-at-all humble opinion. Try one! You may like it! A quick note about reviews. I just got one which was anonymous (ok), negative (ok) and included crude language (not ok). I deleted it. If you dislike my writing, feel free to say as much, but please don't expect me to keep it available for anyone to have to look at if you're not brave enough to attach your own name to your poor choice of words. |
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