Author has written 4 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh. Just the basics... - Proud to be Canadian - Bake large amounts of goodies as a hobby and way of curbing my sweet tooth - Love my plastic purple framed nerd glasses. Age of the geek, baby! - Even though I listen to a wide variety of music styles, when asked what I like I only talk about Asian artists :p (TVXQ and Gackt specifically... and Epik High!... and Boa!...) - Has fallen into the craze that is vampires, (with much resistance) thanks to the wonderful Sookie Stackhouse novels and television show True Blood Though I don't talk about fanfiction with others unless they bring up the topic I read a phenomenally large amount of it. What started as an anime obsession has stretched into television shows, films, comics, and yes there have even been a few real life stories I succumbed to. But let's face it, fanfiction is a nice escape from reality, and entertaining as hell. Unfortunately comparing the amount I write to how much I read we are looking at 0.01 to 10 000. I'll try to do better I promise! Quotes... "I write for the same reason I breath - because if I didn't, I would die." - Issac Asimov "The greatest feeling in the world...revenge. Pure, unadulterated revenge. Not weery little jealousy. Not some piddling little envy. But good, old-fashioned, blood-curdling revenge." Updates... - TBKS one family date has been written and it didn't kill me so on to family date number two |