Author has written 17 stories for Dark Angel, NCIS, and X-Men: The Movie. Aha! I knew there was a spot for Author's Corner, as it were, somewhere in this program. Missed it the first time around... Let it be known that I am very new to the universe created by Mr. Cameron and Mr. Eglee. I didn't watch 'Dark Angel' until September of 2003, when Space started airing Season 1 in Canada. I found the characters compelling and the writing excellent: consistent plot, humour, and developments that made sense. As a long-time science fiction enthusiast, I was gobsmacked! Good heavens, thought I, could it be that someone has written an intelligent science fiction show? I had to know more, and surfed the Internet. I found FFN and Virtual Season 3, and I was hooked. I should mention that many of the people I have met through a mutual enthusiasm for ‘Dark Angel’ know me as ‘Mouse’, a nickname and moniker I have used since I was quite young. Unfortunately, an author already established on FFN has chosen that name, so I am ‘lilmouse’ when I’m here, as it were. I intend to write more 'Dark Angel', and I'm pleased that so many people think highly of 'The Morning After', my first story set in this universe. Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. :) I will probably continue to mention this at the beginning of future posts, but just to be certain: Let it be known that I am of the 'Max-and-Logan-as-a-Couple' following, and if that concept does not appeal to you, you might not enjoy my stories as much as if other characters were romantically linked with Max. Enjoy, and feel free to review. Constructive (and positive) feed back is always welcome. I have reviewing of my own to catch up on, so if you'll excuse me... October 4, 2006: About time I updated this, I think, though it is probably obvious when viewing my writing below that I have also written stories associated with other fandoms, including 'NCIS'. No connection with 'Dark Angel' there at all, nuh-uh. So, Michael Weatherly, much, lol? ;) I have also decided to post a rather odd 'X-Men' story. It 'arrived' in my head almost two years ago, now, and only one other person had read it beforeI posted it on FFN. It isn't finished but it has been fun to explore, so I thought I'd share. I still have hopes of finishing it one day. :) I only thought to update my profile last week, then the idea went completely out of my head. It happens. My continued thanks to all who read and to those who also take the time to review my stories. I'd say words fail me to properly express how much I appreciate your input, but as some of you know by now, it takes a lot to have words fail me. ;) I would like to also thank Alaidh, the Almighty Beta, who reads my 'Dark Angel' stories and creates a nice polish for them before they get posted. I am grateful you take the time, hun, and continue to delight in your feedback. :) Well, enough about me, for now. I'll let my stories 'speak' for themselves. February 11, 2007: Okay, maybe a little more about me... In case anyone who is used to seeing me a bit more active on FFN, I've been sick, on and off, for almost two months now and my headaches have just added to the fray. To say it has been cutting into my writing time would be an understatement. My apologies for any delays in posting. I haven't forgotten about any of the stories that are current and I still have other ideas trying to break free from my mind as well. Work has also been extremely hectic and stressful and a lot of my energy is drained by it. My evenings go something like this: I come home. I watch my husband cook dinner. I help him eat dinner. I walk the dog, solo or with my husband. I try to get some writing done. I try to remind my family that I love them and hope to have energy for them soon. I fall over, with or without the assistance of pain killers but these days, it is more likely with than not. Rinse and repeat. I have so much to do and so little time, a frequent lament. Sadly, there is never enough time, is there? We press on. My continued thanks to those who read and take the time to review. Your feedback is always appreciated. I try to respond to those who review and have been delinquent in that area of late, primarily due to the reasons already listed above. My apologies. I hope to be back at it very soon. Thought I'd update the A/N - does anyone read the A/Ns? I do, lol! - as I haven't been this quiet in a while... :) Cheers! May 3, 2007: Well, my e-mail and Internet provider had trouble giving me acces to either and then they upgraded us, and then I lost connection with my e-mail completely. I can see the page with my e-mails on it but not actually access it, and that includes any e-mail addies I might have gathered. If you haven't heard from me lately, that's why. I've changed the address to a g-mail account so you should be able to reach me now. Please send me an e-mail. :) Off I go to reorganize all my e-mail situations. Cheers! December 14, 2008: I live! Real Life abducted me for quite some time. My apologies for the unfinished stories. I will be posting another chapter of 'Playing With Fire' shortly - assuming I recall how to do so. Have not forgotten any of my stories and appreciate those of you who have been poking at me for more. It's very encouraging. Thank you. Now, enough of that. Post the chapter... |