Author has written 3 stories for Inuyasha, and Fullmetal Alchemist.
name: mandy
eye color: brown
age:give ya' a hint...I'm a teen
um...I like almost all anime/manga I know japanese...Lived there for 3 years( a bit more but whatever) I've always had a kind of obsession with obi wan for some reason(even when he old man 0_o ) but I don't know all THAT much about star wars I know it but...I don't go to the premiers y'know but hurrah for star wars! don't like star trek though...bleh...I love shikamaru from naruto...
list of anime and manga(not in order)
DK(dragon knights ish kinda depressing though;)
chrono crusade
pita ten
samurai champloo
digimon(only the first 2 )
Inuyasha(not so much anymore)
shaman king(the manga)
-lots and lots more that I'm too brain dead to remember right now(prolly some of meh favs too...sigh)
food- curry, ramen(the real stuff not the instant one...although that is good), udon, curry udon, curry donuts(I miss them!), mac n' cheese, reeses peanut butter cups and the ones with caramel
movies- pirates of the carribean, lord of the rings, star wars, princess mononoke(pretty much all of the miyazaki movies), family man( :heart:)
people- meh buddies and anyone who ishn't teh evilness...cause that's bad! (and no ...I'm not naive...yatta!)
stuff- meh compie, meh video games(ff,.hack,KH,general RPGs, ratchet and clank, ddr,and more ) meh wallscrollclings to it meh art books, meh manga, meh plushiesclings to roy plushie with movie, meh cosplay stuff (I LOVE COSPLAYING! meh has won lots of prizes and has done so many people...too much ) and other stuff!
drink-ramune, mint mocha, thai tea(hate tea but like this) bubble tea(not tea ), calpico(drink from the heavens!), ORANGE FANTA! (or orange soda in general), root beer, grape aloe vera desert drink thingy
oh jeez...too tired to write down more