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Joined 12-08-13, id: 5376956, Profile Updated: 12-12-13
Author has written 1 story for Runelords.

Frank Graves is a published author of several works (Ancestral Trail, African Chess, Family von Frank). He is distantly related to Robert Graves the renowned writer and poet.

Graves wrote The Ancestral Trail Epic (Over 450,000 word in the trilogy) that sold in millions (Google Ancestral Trail). Frank has now completed the full trilogy book of that works, the first part being Long Ago & Far Away (Ancestral World) about 570 pages long to be published in Dec 2013, the second part Time and Time Again (Cyber World) and third part named Once Upon a Long Time Ago early 2014. The Ancestral Trail group of books are primarily aimed at a generally younger readership. Further completed works that will shortly appear here are to include opening chapters of "African Chess", "The Culling", "The Kixing", "Masterbug", "Family von Frank" & "Apes in Capes".

Other projects include his film work including the original idea about hydrogen fuel that then became a film called "Chain Reaction" starring Morgan Freeman, Keanu Reeves & Rachel Weiss. "The Beastery" written and filmed in 2001.

The Ancestral Trail Trilogy - Long Ago and Far Away reviews
Since the beginning, creatures of air, land and water lived in peace in the Ancestral World. Landsmen, animals have dwelt in harmony with mythical beasts. Ruled by the Council of Guardians, they have known neither suffering nor war. Now an evil spirit has come to this land and is laying waste to good. The Forces of Evil have gained ground fast, peaceful creatures been killed
Runelords - Rated: M - English - Family/Fantasy - Chapters: 1 - Words: 20,462 - Reviews: 22 - Published: 12/11/2013