![]() Author has written 31 stories for Naruto, Rurouni Kenshin, Chrono Crusade, Bleach, Full Metal Panic, Inuyasha, Fullmetal Alchemist, Nightmare Inspector: Yumekui Kenbun, Gurren Lagann, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, and Peacemaker Kurogane. Also Known As: doomcake, Rinja, BakaBokken No fics are posted under the last 3 listed FFnet accounts, as they were created just to extend my favorites list from way back when FFnet had a limit on how many fics you could favorite… yes that was once a thing! October 2023: Honestly, I’m shocked FFnet hasn’t gone under yet, haha. Does anyone actually still use this site over the almighty archive AO3 at this point, unironically? If it wasn’t already obvious (aside from a 2021 anomaly), I am no longer posting my fics on FFnet, including updates to existing incomplete works. While most of my incomplete fics are likely to stay incomplete, any potential future updates will be hosted on archiveofourown/AO3 (as doomcake, or under one of the pseuds attached to that name). Sadly most of my external links seem to have broken on my bio, so I’m just stripping my bio to this too-long blurb. I’ll leave everything else up for posterity’s sake, but also so I can come back to enjoy old favorites that aren’t hosted anywhere else. Otherwise I’ll pretty much be inactive here since now FFnet changed their email settings where you have to opt in every 90 days (lmao like I’m gonna actually remember to log in here that often? unlikely—took me long enough to remember my password to log in for THIS update!). Anyway, thanks for the memories, friends. As much as I joke about this being The Pit, I really do look back on my active time here fondly, since people were much less hesitant about leaving reviews and interacting than they seem to be today, and it was lovely. If you still really want to come find me, look me up on AO3 or at tumblr (loadthebases). |