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Joined 01-04-14, id: 5433700, Profile Updated: 12-02-18
Author has written 4 stories for Harry Potter.

I'm just starting out as a fanfiction writer, mostly as a way of motivating myself to focus on my own writing more. My first story here was "The Cactus and the Toad," a Harry Potter fic set after the Battle of Hogwarts that focuses primarily on Severus Snape and Neville Longbottom. I am currently working on its sequel, "The Gates of Azkaban," which shifts the focus to Severus and Hermione, and which can also stand alone.

Thank you to everyone for reading, reviewing, favoriting, following, and the rest. You make this fun!

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

O Mine Enemy by Kirby Lane reviews
Harry and Snape are thrown together by annoying relatives, a series of strange dreams, and Voldemort's latest hunt for Harry, but their greatest challenge may well be surviving each other. A slow-burn enemy-to-mentor story. Alt 6th summer, post-OotP.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Drama - Chapters: 61 - Words: 426,691 - Reviews: 3061 - Favs: 2,524 - Follows: 2,577 - Updated: 3/7/2021 - Published: 4/29/2007 - Harry P., Severus S. - Complete
A Wolf Amongst Lions by Kallypso reviews
Tywin Lannister discovers the true identity of his cup bearer at Harrenhal. Now, with another bargaining chip in his possession, he has a chance to turn the war. Arya Stark, despite her best efforts, falls back into the Game of Thrones. To survive in a lion's den, a wolf has no choice but to adapt. Game of Thrones AU, diverging story from season two onward. Enjoy!
Game of Thrones - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Family - Chapters: 108 - Words: 472,557 - Reviews: 3660 - Favs: 3,055 - Follows: 2,221 - Updated: 8/8/2019 - Published: 7/30/2018 - Tyrion L., Arya S., Tywin L., Jaime L. - Complete
A Truth Universally Acknowledged by jadewriter reviews
Decorated war heroine Hermione Granger finds herself running the Ministry of Magic's newly formed research department ... and running across a smattering of mysteries on the side. Loosely draws on Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice but comes with many twists. EWE; SS/HG, DM/?
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Mystery - Chapters: 23 - Words: 66,812 - Reviews: 70 - Favs: 77 - Follows: 147 - Updated: 2/2/2019 - Published: 4/23/2016 - Hermione G., Severus S.
Our Lady of Longbourn by leavesfallingup reviews
Lizzie gradually takes over the running of Longbourn after becoming aware of her father's neglect... with impacts far greater than she could have ever imagined.
Pride and Prejudice - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 32 - Words: 98,320 - Reviews: 1374 - Favs: 3,064 - Follows: 1,174 - Updated: 1/6/2019 - Published: 12/18/2018 - Complete
Backward With Purpose Part I: Always and Always by deadwoodpecker reviews
AU. Harry, Ron, and Ginny send themselves back in time to avoid the destruction of everything they hold dear, and the deaths of everyone they love.
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 55 - Words: 286,867 - Reviews: 5356 - Favs: 8,649 - Follows: 3,505 - Updated: 9/28/2018 - Published: 2/28/2008 - Harry P., Ginny W. - Complete
The Potions Master's Mistake by LouiseHilton reviews
A conversation in the staffroom leads Severus Snape to try to understand his students more, but he learns a secret that he wishes he had never known.
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 3 - Words: 7,315 - Reviews: 54 - Favs: 302 - Follows: 93 - Updated: 6/15/2018 - Published: 6/11/2018 - Hermione G., Severus S. - Complete
The Intricacies of Marriage by kirsant reviews
Bonded by the Marriage Law, Draco and Hermione spend their days trying to kill one another. But when one of them gets a chance to fulfill that wish, what will they do? Post-Hogwarts, Dramione, a oneshot.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,198 - Reviews: 61 - Favs: 651 - Follows: 134 - Published: 5/14/2018 - Hermione G., Draco M. - Complete
A Father's Courage by FatherSnape reviews
With Sirius dead, Harry expected a summer filled with dark times, marinating on how he was to blame. What he did not expect was for the Dursleys to thrust a baby into his arms and declare it his. One night of recklessness was enough, but he refused to leave the baby with the Dursleys. Could he do this at 16 on top of school and extra Defense? (Mentor/Fatherly Snape, eventually.)
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Family/Angst - Chapters: 40 - Words: 93,474 - Reviews: 426 - Favs: 1,492 - Follows: 1,030 - Updated: 1/22/2018 - Published: 12/4/2016 - Harry P., Draco M., Severus S. - Complete
Folie en Famille by Sophie3 reviews
Will has always had a weakness for strays. When circumstances bring the two young Winchester boys into his life, he doesn't think he's fit to take care of them. Even if Hannibal thinks it will be good for him… A story of how Will doesn't believe in monsters but wants to protect Dean and Sam from them anyway. And how Hannibal tries to build himself a family. With cannibalism.
Crossover - Supernatural & Hannibal - Rated: M - English - Suspense/Angst - Chapters: 30 - Words: 114,103 - Reviews: 47 - Favs: 96 - Follows: 77 - Updated: 10/24/2017 - Published: 2/13/2017 - Complete
Last Will and Testament of Lily Evans Potter by chrmisha reviews
Petunia Dursley is cleaning the attic and finds a previously unknown copy of Lily's will. Ecstatic at her discovery, she promptly abandons her burdensome nephew, along with Lily's will, on the doorstep of her childhood nemesis (aka, Severus Snape). ***SEQUEL "Lily's Last Wish" NOW POSTED*** I do not own Harry Potter or make any money from these stories.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Drama/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 23 - Words: 40,540 - Reviews: 1026 - Favs: 4,244 - Follows: 1,937 - Updated: 7/19/2017 - Published: 5/11/2011 - Harry P., Severus S. - Complete
Bump by LemonStar reviews
..Daryl/Beth.. AU - no zombies. As the building manager in a newly renovated apartment building, it's Daryl Dixon's job to make sure that things are working properly for all of the tenants. It's his job to unclog the shower drain in apartment A2. It's not his job to wonder where her boyfriend or husband is when she asks if he can help her put a baby crib together.
Walking Dead - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 27 - Words: 103,178 - Reviews: 1639 - Favs: 530 - Follows: 393 - Updated: 6/15/2017 - Published: 3/14/2017 - [Beth G., Daryl D.] - Complete
The Changeling by Annerb reviews
Ginny is sorted into Slytherin. It takes her seven years to figure out why.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Drama/Angst - Chapters: 11 - Words: 189,186 - Reviews: 935 - Favs: 4,367 - Follows: 2,069 - Updated: 4/19/2017 - Published: 4/19/2011 - Ginny W. - Complete
One Happy Memory by David Brighton reviews
Post-Season 6. Sansa Stark girds herself for confrontation as the north desperately prepares to fight a war against winter itself. The Brotherhood Without Banners arrives at Winterfell, bringing old faces and new challenges. Meanwhile, Petyr Baelish schemes, and Sansa must ask herself how far she will go to save what remains of her family.
Game of Thrones - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 11 - Words: 48,946 - Reviews: 78 - Favs: 117 - Follows: 190 - Updated: 4/9/2017 - Published: 7/31/2016 - [Sansa S., Sandor C.] Jon S., Petyr B.
A Dog's Life by Zanza8 reviews
What if Arya and the Hound didn't walk away from the Eyrie? A story not exactly faithful to the books or the show, but my idea of what could have happened if the Hound brought the sisters together.
Game of Thrones - Rated: K+ - English - Family/Adventure - Chapters: 30 - Words: 27,855 - Reviews: 119 - Favs: 308 - Follows: 335 - Updated: 1/7/2017 - Published: 7/6/2014 - Sansa S., Arya S., Sandor C. - Complete
In Care Of by Fang's Fawn reviews
During the summer before sixth year, Harry finds an injured bat in the garden and decides to try to heal it...and an unwilling Snape learns just what kind of a person Harry Potter really is. No slash.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Drama - Chapters: 16 - Words: 47,029 - Reviews: 2308 - Favs: 13,146 - Follows: 4,578 - Updated: 2/3/2015 - Published: 3/16/2009 - Harry P., Severus S. - Complete
But Wear the Chain by Elsie girl reviews
Hermione completes her last year at Hogwarts, studying under the war hero Severus Snape, keeping her hopeless interest in the mysterious man to herself, along with her other struggles... until one night when she arrives for detention and hears something she never expected: "I want you." Love potion accident. Thanks for reviews and awards!
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Mystery - Chapters: 42 - Words: 173,765 - Reviews: 1190 - Favs: 1,272 - Follows: 761 - Updated: 1/26/2015 - Published: 8/25/2014 - Hermione G., Severus S. - Complete
The Fourth Night by burnedupasun reviews
Daryl's cell was right underneath hers, and he could hear everything. Including Beth Greene masturbating. After three nights of listening to her give up in frustration, could anyone blame him for wanting to give her a helping hand?
Walking Dead - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 3 - Words: 17,035 - Reviews: 101 - Favs: 193 - Follows: 268 - Updated: 1/24/2015 - Published: 1/11/2015 - Daryl D., Beth G.
She's Breathing by burnedupasun reviews
Beth gets shot by Dawn at Grady Memorial but doesn't die, and she and Daryl get to have the story they deserved. (Fix-it fic for Coda, canon up until the ending.)
Walking Dead - Rated: M - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 31 - Words: 210,090 - Reviews: 401 - Favs: 683 - Follows: 382 - Updated: 1/19/2015 - Published: 12/9/2014 - Daryl D., Beth G. - Complete
An Untoward Circumstance by mydearlizzy reviews
When Miss Lydia Bennet is attacked on the road to Meryton on the morning after the Netherfield Ball, suspicions arise on all fronts. Was it a local tradesman's son? Highwaymen? Are the militia men responsible, or will they be the ones to apprehend the murderer? And why has the Netherfield party run off to London the morning after their ball? Truly, a most untoward circumstance...
Pride and Prejudice - Rated: T - English - Crime/Romance - Chapters: 43 - Words: 171,510 - Reviews: 1294 - Favs: 1,387 - Follows: 868 - Updated: 1/5/2015 - Published: 9/9/2013 - [Elizabeth, Mr. Darcy] Jane, Kitty - Complete
Hermione and the Professor's Spoon by wellyuthink reviews
Ron persuades Hermione to steal a teacher's possession as part of a prank, and, for reasons Hermione can’t fathom, she agrees... Written during seventh year, OotP compliant.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Humor/Friendship - Chapters: 25 - Words: 67,360 - Reviews: 241 - Favs: 160 - Follows: 227 - Updated: 1/4/2014 - Published: 9/22/2008 - Hermione G., Severus S.
Offensive Magic by Jocelyn reviews
One-shot. AU after OOTP. Companion piece/sequel to Defensive Magic. Snape's POV of the incident where Uncle Vernon struck Harry the summer after his fifth year.
Harry Potter - Rated: K - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,166 - Reviews: 28 - Favs: 302 - Follows: 72 - Published: 12/6/2013 - Harry P., Severus S., Albus D. - Complete
Phoenix Fire, or Hermione Granger and the EW by grangerous reviews
The battle against Voldemort is over, yet little has returned to normal. Once again, Severus Snape finds himself reluctantly cast as the protector of the wizarding world, with Hermione Granger his tireless ally. Part III of the Phoenix Trilogy.
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 37 - Words: 195,399 - Reviews: 2648 - Favs: 1,241 - Follows: 1,058 - Updated: 7/17/2013 - Published: 12/1/2011 - Severus S., Hermione G.
The Fairy Godmothers by Magda the Magpie reviews
What if Lord Voldemort had attacked immediately after Dumbledore's death? All is lost when Hermione is mysteriously sent back in time to the Marauders Era, where she discovers she has surprising new powers. Lots of friendship, romances and surprises! A HG/SS story with a twist of RL. OVER 250.000 HITS!
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 40 - Words: 91,923 - Reviews: 580 - Favs: 1,505 - Follows: 630 - Updated: 2/9/2013 - Published: 7/22/2012 - [Hermione G., Severus S.] - Complete
Time's Secret by 1066AndAllThat reviews
When Severus Snape meddled with time, he had no idea of the consequences it would have...and neither did Hermione. Rated T.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 16 - Words: 40,006 - Reviews: 208 - Favs: 461 - Follows: 205 - Updated: 2/2/2012 - Published: 8/13/2011 - Severus S., Hermione G. - Complete
Walking the Line by hairballl26 reviews
Harry didn't think life at Privet Dr could get any worse, until Snape showed up, half dead and bleeding on the Dursleys' new floor. Starts summer after OoTP, keeps everyone in char, follows canon, or what it could have been with a summer like this...
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Drama/Adventure - Chapters: 17 - Words: 56,044 - Reviews: 644 - Favs: 869 - Follows: 1,102 - Updated: 11/1/2011 - Published: 4/30/2009 - Severus S., Harry P.
The Professor's Discretion by Twelve Years in Azkaban reviews
The only thing keeping Hermione out of trouble and Harry Potter alive is... the Professor's Discretion. AU.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Drama/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 22 - Words: 138,741 - Reviews: 1088 - Favs: 1,718 - Follows: 818 - Updated: 9/30/2011 - Published: 10/14/2009 - Hermione G., Severus S. - Complete
A Place for Warriors by owlsaway reviews
Dumbledore locks Harry and Snape in the Room of Requirement. Harry's magic works, and Snape's doesn't. Will they kill each other? No slash.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Drama - Chapters: 28 - Words: 114,507 - Reviews: 1723 - Favs: 2,575 - Follows: 1,269 - Updated: 5/13/2011 - Published: 6/29/2007 - Harry P., Severus S. - Complete
A Rush of Blackbirds (Formerly--Speak Not Against the Sun) by 4giveMeJane reviews
Not being able to breath the air at Longbourn after Mr. Collins' longwinded and insincere proposal, Elizabeth heads for the woods where she runs into an injured Mr. Darcy.
Pride and Prejudice - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 11 - Words: 77,019 - Reviews: 1376 - Favs: 5,398 - Follows: 1,167 - Updated: 4/4/2010 - Published: 2/22/2010 - Mr. Darcy, Elizabeth, Mr. Bingley, Jane - Complete
Oh God Not Again! by Sarah1281 reviews
So maybe everything didn't work out perfectly for Harry. Still, most of his friends survived, he'd gotten married, and was about to become a father. If only he'd have stayed away from the Veil, he wouldn't have had to go back and do everything AGAIN.
Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Humor/Parody - Chapters: 50 - Words: 163,659 - Reviews: 16796 - Favs: 30,531 - Follows: 13,257 - Updated: 12/22/2009 - Published: 9/13/2008 - Harry P. - Complete
Phoenix Tears or, Hermione Granger and the DH by grangerous reviews
Sequel to Phoenix Song or, Hermione Granger and the H-BP . By the time of Dumbledore's death, Hermione and Snape had worked together for a whole year. Now, however, they both have very different and very difficult tasks ahead of them. **DH SPOILERS**
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Angst - Chapters: 25 - Words: 120,256 - Reviews: 1693 - Favs: 1,278 - Follows: 506 - Updated: 11/18/2009 - Published: 6/11/2009 - Severus S., Hermione G. - Complete
Phoenix Song or, Hermione Granger and the HB P by grangerous reviews
When Professor Snape heals Hermione's injuries after the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, they are both surprised by what they learn. The two must work together to help Harry defeat Lord Voldemort.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 26 - Words: 100,839 - Reviews: 1150 - Favs: 1,867 - Follows: 679 - Updated: 6/11/2009 - Published: 1/2/2009 - Hermione G., Severus S. - Complete
What is Right: Year One by Emma Lipardi reviews
Harry finds himself making a decision to give it all up just to change what has happened. What he doesn't realize is that he gets a second chance to set it right.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 19 - Words: 87,258 - Reviews: 3811 - Favs: 8,055 - Follows: 4,770 - Updated: 10/2/2008 - Published: 1/30/2006 - Complete
A Dip in the Dark by Eternity85 reviews
One shot. After a stressful day, Hermione decides to take a late-night visit to the Prefects bathroom; unfortunately, she's not the only one with that idea. Warning: Sexually explicit. Dramione smut
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 6,400 - Reviews: 149 - Favs: 1,211 - Follows: 247 - Published: 4/19/2008 - Hermione G., Draco M. - Complete
In Reverse by sodakey reviews
After Faith, a job has the boys looking for missing hikers in Wyoming. While Sam worries it’s connected to what happened to Dean ten years ago, Dean wonders if Sam would be better off back in the world of normal.
Supernatural - Rated: T - English - Family/Drama - Chapters: 31 - Words: 148,382 - Reviews: 1957 - Favs: 2,104 - Follows: 724 - Updated: 12/8/2007 - Published: 2/6/2006 - Dean W., Sam W. - Complete
Potions and Prejudice by slipper balloon reviews
Hogwarts a la Jane Austen. Alternate universe after OotP.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 15 - Words: 53,512 - Reviews: 403 - Favs: 362 - Follows: 125 - Updated: 11/3/2007 - Published: 9/12/2003 - Hermione G., Severus S. - Complete
Harry Potter and the Chained Souls by Theowyn of HPG reviews
Harry must discover how Voldemort cheated death. He faces Death Eaters, shadowy Ministry officials & suspicions that threaten to tear his own allies apart. But the answers lie in the mind where victory can only be won by freeing the chained souls. SEQUEL
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Angst - Chapters: 31 - Words: 231,287 - Reviews: 907 - Favs: 1,391 - Follows: 385 - Updated: 7/12/2007 - Published: 4/16/2007 - Harry P., Severus S. - Complete
Weakness by romanticidiot reviews
SeverusHermione. One Shot. Hermione has faced down hordes of Death Eaters without a quaver. So what is she running away from in the hall of Hogwarts that could be so terrifying that she needs saving? Not quite what you'd expect ...
Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,168 - Reviews: 43 - Favs: 95 - Follows: 15 - Published: 6/12/2007 - Severus S., Hermione G. - Complete
Heart over Mind by Regann reviews
PART 27 ADDED, COMPLETE. Something odd about Hermione causes her to have unexpected reaction to a love potion. Only it's one which no one expected. How could a lack of reaction cause so much trouble? AU to Books 5 and 6.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 27 - Words: 186,622 - Reviews: 3818 - Favs: 6,407 - Follows: 1,580 - Updated: 4/10/2007 - Published: 2/1/2003 - Hermione G., Severus S. - Complete
Harry Potter and the Enemy Within by Theowyn of HPG reviews
In his sixth year at Hogwarts, Harry's mental link to Voldemort is stronger than ever. Can Snape teach him to control the nightmarish visions? And is their connection the key to ending Voldemort's reign?
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Angst - Chapters: 19 - Words: 173,220 - Reviews: 543 - Favs: 1,923 - Follows: 499 - Updated: 3/27/2007 - Published: 2/28/2007 - Harry P., Severus S. - Complete
Accountable by Dyce reviews
The war is over. Hermione Granger's life, while safer, is no less complicated. Victory has had unintended consequences which affect not only Hermione, but all those around her.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 31 - Words: 166,408 - Reviews: 2070 - Favs: 3,876 - Follows: 883 - Updated: 1/18/2007 - Published: 11/15/2006 - Hermione G., Severus S. - Complete
Six Years to Life: There and Back Again by Laume reviews
The last part of the Six Years Trilogy. Severus, after spending a year as a six year old, has been restored to his original age at the defeat of Voldemort. His troubles are far from over, though.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Drama - Chapters: 10 - Words: 17,412 - Reviews: 391 - Favs: 741 - Follows: 206 - Updated: 5/9/2006 - Published: 4/17/2006 - Harry P., Severus S. - Complete
Six Years to life: Son of Hogwarts by Laume reviews
AU, no HBP. Severus, still six years old, now lives with Dumbledore and Harry at Hogwarts. Sevvy must cope with being the youngest student ever, and the students must cope with a six year old potions master running around the castle.
Harry Potter - Rated: K - English - Chapters: 15 - Words: 24,967 - Reviews: 505 - Favs: 747 - Follows: 268 - Updated: 4/15/2006 - Published: 2/17/2006 - Severus S., Harry P. - Complete
Six years to life by Laume reviews
Another kidfic! Snape is revealed as a spy and Voldemort tries to make him see the error of his ways by turning him into a six year old and sending him back to Hogwarts. Meanwhile, Harry escapes the Dursleys...
Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure - Chapters: 21 - Words: 40,932 - Reviews: 823 - Favs: 1,496 - Follows: 448 - Updated: 2/15/2006 - Published: 1/16/2006 - Harry P., Severus S. - Complete
Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

The Gates of Azkaban reviews
On the verge of joining the Death Eaters, Severus has a conversation that changes his mind, with consequences that change his entire world. But his isn't the only world affected...
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 78 - Words: 394,327 - Reviews: 2670 - Favs: 1,705 - Follows: 1,861 - Updated: 11/12/2022 - Published: 10/13/2018 - Hermione G., Lily Evans P., Severus S. - Complete
The Glorification of the Nazi Incel reviews
Severus is insulted by a stranger, and needs help understanding the insult.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Humor/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 8,656 - Reviews: 46 - Favs: 148 - Follows: 40 - Published: 8/4/2019 - Hermione G., Severus S. - Complete
The Cactus and the Toad reviews
After the Battle of Hogwarts, Neville Longbottom and Severus Snape find themselves in the uncomfortable position of working together.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Drama/Friendship - Chapters: 28 - Words: 72,700 - Reviews: 449 - Favs: 632 - Follows: 276 - Updated: 9/20/2018 - Published: 4/29/2018 - Severus S., Neville L. - Complete
The Grave Task reviews
After the First Task, Viktor Krum has another task to complete.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,345 - Reviews: 40 - Favs: 62 - Follows: 10 - Published: 6/8/2018 - Viktor K. - Complete