Author has written 10 stories for Evangelion, Ranma, Slayers, Kim Possible, and Harry Potter. Good evening, welcome gentle travelers along the path of enlightenment, or perhaps entertainment. Whatever your reason, you have made your way to my sanctum. My name is brindani, loyal servant and avatar to my Master. I will be your guide in navigating through my Master’s thoughts and dreams given reality in this place. This realm can be dangerous for the incautious. Maelstroms of conflicting thoughts permeate the area. For your protection I have constructed portals. Through these, you will be privy to settled thoughts and ideas given cohesive form. I have endeavored to make these passages of reality as entertaining as possible. With each passing day I become more proficient at my work, though difficulties do remain. I’m afraid through my many travels I have become inured against certain deficiencies. I am very fortunate to be joined by many courteous travelers. These visitors have often offered new and innovative means of clearing troublesome segments of the path. I give great thanks to these individuals as they have assisted me significantly in leaving a better realm for those that follow in their footsteps. Before continuing I have a word of warning. Some of these portals lead to realms where dark actions occur. Please, be at ease for in the end my Master endeavors to bring happiness and contentment to all. Hmmm, my Master wishes to speak with you directly. I very much look forward to making your acquaintance in the future. As opposed to my servant’s kind words, I am nothing special. I am just another person making a living in the world. Until two years ago, I did not have a single desire to write. I was well satisfied with watching my anime in contentment. That all changed when I came here. How did I come to this place? It all started with one word, Evangelion. I was enthralled by this highly innovative anime. The character depth was beyond anything I had ever seen before. On baited breath, I came to those fateful final episodes. Needless to say, I was left speechless. A craving was born that day; the craving to find the ending which I could be satisfied with. My hunt began. I scoured the internet, futilely flopping about in my search. Fortune smiled upon me when I stumbled onto the shrine dedicated to the very pairing I sought. 'The Tale's of Apartment 402'. Here I found like-minded people, people who sought stories of quality concerning Evangelion with a Shinji/Rei pairing. Through it, I found this site. This ultimate discovery showed me that there were many with my desire to put right what had gone terribly arri. As a fish takes to water so did I to these stories. I was satisfied with my discovery for a time. My respite was short lived, however, for as I read, thoughts and ideas germinated slowly within my mind. Though slow, they became powerful, keeping me up late into the night as I lived intense scenes from my mind over and over again. Driven, I found relief only through the written word. Thus 'Through the Mind of One' was conceived. The rest, as they say, is history. My preferred pairings: Ranma/Ukyo (Ranma ) Ranma/Kasumi (Ranma ) Ranma/Ranko (Ranma , only if Ranko is not Ranma forced into his girl side) Shinji/Rei (Evangelion) Inuyasha/Kikyou (Inuyasha) Gourry/Sylphiel (Slayers) Kohta/Lucy (Elfen Lied) Cloud/Yuffie (Final Fantasy VII) Keitaro/Mutsumi (Love Hina) As you can see, most are non-standard couplings. Couplings I dislike: Ranma/Akane (Ranma 1/2) Keitaro/Naru (Love Hina) Shinji/Asuka (Evangelion) I know, Akane's supporters will say that she and Ranma are the only true pairing in the anime. I won't dispute that if the series had a proper ending that is where it would lead. What I am saying is that I really don't like how she treats Ranma. Not to be biased, I don't like how Ranma treats her either, but Akane takes things far past insults and straight into the physical which is a disgraceful way for a martial artist of any caliber to resolve a problem against those that don't even fight back. Update: 2/13/2020 I mentioned it in my reworked first chapter, but I'm back and slowly working on new chapters for Drop in Reality. I don't know how long they will take to push to the site, but I've stayed consistent to work on the story each day for the last few months. After reading many other stories, I've found that I'm a rather mediocre writer. I lack real talent for the art, but as many a site has said, its important to always move forward even if everything feels like a mistake and the world will hate it. The alternative is to let these ideas die and that concept is far more abhorrent than the idea of the internet's scorn at my poor grammar. 7/2/2020 I've submitted a new story. No worries, its a one-shot not intended to go further. It doesn't wax and wane poetically, but I found it a rather enjoyable story to write. Hopefully others enjoy it as well. |