Author has written 16 stories for Soul Calibur, Legend of Zelda, Super Smash Brothers, Naruto, and Final Fantasy VII. August 3rd, 2009 Beta requests are frozen until further notice. My latest thinger is Fragments, which consists of one-shots/drabbles/ficlets/whatever for the Super Smash Bros. fandom that can't fit anywhere else. It'll be updated irregularly. Please check it out. :) I really appreciate feedback on my work. I try my best to read the works of everyone who reviews my stuff. If you get a "thank you" PM from me (I sometimes do this for reviewers), don't be alarmed. =P I write sporadically. I also write mediocre stuff. Thus, I am always looking on ways to improve, if even just a little bit. Profile Real Name: Doesn't matter. Age Group: 25 & Older. Ah yes, I'm a dinosaur. Age when I wrote my first fic: 9. Before I knew what fanfiction was and before the advent of the internet, I wrote a story about Link in Hyrule for a school writing assignment. I got an A. So nyah to fanfic naysayers. |
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