Author has written 2 stories for Harry Potter. Hey there fellow fans! I love all that is Harry Potter. The Burden of Sight is my first work of fiction on line and I welcome your critiques and reviews, and flames- be constructive. Suggestions are very appreciated. This fic is abandoned. That's such a harsh word really, but I'm so busy now the plot bunnies can't find their way in to give me spark enough to unblock me. I am taking a long break to work on my life instead of fic! The Twenty is kind of completed, except for the Epilogue which will probably turn into a two chapter rewrite. Thank you for your wonderful support. It makes me write faster. Many thanks to my beta The Klingon Mistress for her editing skills and helpful suggestions earlier in this fic. Big thanks also to Keket Amunet, Shabopo and MA long for proofing and helping me craft these last chapters! Chapter Twenty-Five: Can't Hide Love up 12-3-04 I am taking a break now to focus on my own personal real life stuff. Thank you for reading and reviewing! Afetr reading the book six, I am left feeling a bit guilty at playing with Rowling's beautiful characters. I am going to reread everything and stroke my chin in anticipation of what she may weave next. I will not pull the stories off, as I had said previously... so many of you pleaded with me not to do that! Thanks! I will try my best to conclude The Twenty. Best of luck to Rowling on her journey toward Book 7 and the completion of Harry Potter's journey. |