![]() Author has written 60 stories for Stargate: SG-1, Doctor Who, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Harry Potter, Star Trek: 2009, Charmed, Star Wars, Terminator, A song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones, Arrow, and Avatar: Last Airbender. Name: IWantColouredRain. Age: Above thirteen. Gender: Female. My Harry Potter Opinions. Do you know what pisses me off? How Snape is always being portrayed as a hero. He's NOT!! So what if Snape was bullied by the Marauders? Lot's of people are bullied in school, that doesn't mean they all turn into terrorists, and sure what the Marauders did was cruel but that isn't an excuse for wishing that James and Harry (just a baby, not even two yet, I might add!) dead. I mean in his memories he specifically said that he wished Harry had died instead of Lily. He was perfectly happy to sacrifice an innocent baby. He then begged for Lily's life to both Dumbledore and Voldemort in exchange for Harry's. As if she'd ever be happy with him after her son was killed because of him! And people think of him as a hero? He clung to his bitterness over how he was treated by James for over a decade and took it out on Harry. Not to mention Snape attacked Petunia and stole her mail when he was younger, that's bullying as well, it's no wonder she hated magic so much considering the facts. And he didn't turn his back on the Death Eaters because he disagreed with them, he did it because of his obsession with Lily Potter née Evans. None of that is the actions of a hero. I hate those stories that make him all kind and have him being a mentor or father figure to Harry. Looking at his actions during the books do you seriously believe he would love and raise Harry as his own? No, he wouldn't. Severus Snape is, to me, nothing more than a selfish man, to wrapped up in his own bitterness and perceived injustices committed towards him to care about anything other than himself. Another thing is, if Neville had been the Chosen One, Snape would have stayed a Death Eater, meaning Alice wouldn't have been able to sacrifice herself for Neville, Neville would have died and Voldemort taken over. Most people forgive him and adore him since DH came out, but I can't stand him! Before he realised that it was Lily who was in danger, he was perfectly happy to sacrifice an innocent baby. Once Harry started Hogwarts, Snape regularly made him look an idiot, hated him for no reason what so ever, and also constantly insulted his dead father. There is a line you don't cross when it comes to dead relatives and Snape crossed it. Repeatedly. And Dumbledore just let Snape bully Harry! Even when Harry finds out that it was Snape who overheard the prophecy, Dumbledore doesn't apologise or take action. If there was a teacher like Snape at my school or in any school in the world, they would have been fired and probably prosecuted almost instantly. I am NOT a Dumbledore fan. Dumbledore is a manipulative jackass at best and at worst outright evil. In the first chapter alone he perpetrates at least two crimes: Removing Harry from the scene of a crime without the approval/knowledge of the appropriate authorities, and LEAVING A KID ON A DOORSTEP. There is also possibly a case for kidnapping, if Sirius was listed as Harry's guardian in the Potters' will. (And they must have had a will, being parents who knew they were being hunted in the middle of a war.) From there, it just gets worse. He knew Harry was abused, and did nothing. He kept Harry ignorant of vital information until it was too late for the information to do any good, if Harry found it out at all. He didn't ensure Sirius OR Hagrid got a trial, and he had the power to do so. He knew Voldemort had created Horcruxes by the end of Harry's second year at the latest, and did nothing about it until summer after *fifth* year. Dumbledore did absolutely nothing about the Chamber situation. He allowed Dementors around the school despite having the power to tell Fudge no. He put the Philosopher's Stone, which he suspected Voldemort was after, in a school full of children, behind traps an intelligent first year could get past. He somehow missed that someone he called a friend was being impersonated for an entire year. He let Draco remain in the school despite knowing Draco was assigned to kill him ... and kept catching innocents in his murder attempts. And this isn't even a complete list of his wrongdoings. These are not the actions of a good, kind, wise Leader of the Light. He IS NOT some wise and benevolent grandfatherly figure, he basically raised Harry like a pig for slaughter, for Christ's sake. And that's without mentioning his whole 'second chance' routine. Like seriously dude, you're in a fucking WAR! The other side is made up of murders, rapists and torturers, they're TERRORISTS for God's sake! And all through both wars, there was Dumbledore preaching about second, third and more chances and using stunners against the people trying to murder them. If he hadn't not been so holier-than-thou and secretive, a helluva lot more people would have survived. Remus was an asshole in DH by leaving Tonks, rather self-pitying about being a werewolf, way too Dumbledore worshiping, and there's no excuse for him never even trying to locate Harry or reaching out to him after he returned to the Wizarding World or even when Remus was teaching, neither is the fact that he was so willing to believe Sirius, (supposedly one of his best friends, who became an illegal Animagus to help him) was the traitor. I mean seriously why didn't anyone even consider the Imperious Curse or something? Sirius apparently spent most of his life fiercely arguing against the Dark Arts but was still tossed in Azkaban for nothing. Ron did little else but treat Hermione like crap for seven books. He stomped all over her, resented the hell out of her for her smarts, and in general was an immature asshole for seven books. He constantly sulked about the fact that he wasn't rich and twice he let his jealousy take over and abandoned his supposed 'best friend' when Harry needed him most. Not that Hermione was much better, being a stuck-up know-it-all book-and-authority worshiper for most of seven books. She seemed to think that she was the only one in existence with a brain, and the only one who could make the right decisions at all times, and bossed both boys horribly. The way she acted annoyed me so much, to Hermione, if it's written in a book it's true, if she hasn't read about it can't possibly be real. Not to mention the blinders she has on regarding teachers and authority figures, I mean actions aside, whether Dumbledore was a good man or not, he was still, just a man, he made mistakes, but to Hermione, (and most of the Wizarding World,) because he was the guy who defeated Grindlewald, he could do no wrong. Molly Weasley is smothering, favors Percy and Ginny so much it's cruel to them, her manners towards Sirius in OotP was absolutely appalling, and frankly she shouldn't have treated Harry that way. Lily and James never even met the Weasleys as far we know, so Molly claiming that she was the closet thing Harry had to a parent, and that Sirius only thought about Harry as his chance to have James back, especially when Sirius opened his home to her and her family, was just plain wrong. As for Sirius, well, he is insanely loyal and protective. Sirius bloody well broke out of Azkaban in an effort to protect Harry (yes, and to exact vengeance, but it was the fact that Pettigrew was at Hogwarts with HARRY that got his ass moving). He lived on the run for two years, one of them spent largely in a cave, eating rats, the other in a house he hated that was soaked in dark magic. He was willing to drop everything again and run to protect Harry when Harry headed for the Ministry ... he was one of only two non-Ministry Order folks there, as I recall (the others being Remus, Tonks, Moody, Kingsley, and Dumbledore). All this while just slightly off his rocker from twelve years of hell, and in poor health. Sirius was awesome and I will never forgive J.K. Rowling for killing him off. My Charmed Opinions: Ok so while I love Charmed, I do have issues with it. First there was Cole. Cole was amazing. He turned his back on everything he knew for Phoebe, literally gave up part of his soul and received nothing but contempt and abuse from the Halliwells because of it. Prue and Paige both constantly harassed and treated him with nothing but cruelty. I mean when they found a demon or warlock who they originally liked before learning what they were there was constant second, third, etc. chances but Cole was evil and was given no doubts that maybe he could be good. And then after even Phoebe turned on him and he spent months in the wasteland, it's no wonder he lost his mind! Their treatment of him was appalling. And then Phoebe ended up with Coop and I can only think of him as lame and weighing Phoebe down. Cole on the other hand was her equal. And they just forgot the baby like losing a child, whether it was the Source's or not, wouldn't affect her at all. Infuriating! That leads me to Chris. What the hell gave them the right to treat him like that? They've treated demons better then the way that they treated Chris! And blaming him for Piper and Leo's divorce was completely unfair. They were having trouble for months before Chris arrived. They just wanted to blame someone other then themselves. And then they just turned a 180 after learning he was a Halliwell. They never outright apologised for how they treated him and then after 7x01 when Piper was overprotective, Baby Chris was pretty much forgotten. They even cancelled his first birthday! They would never have even considered cancelling any of Wyatt's events. They completely favoured Wyatt. And the powers divided between them was completely skewed too. I can accept Wyatt being a little stronger then Chris seeing as he is the eldest but Wyatt is essentially a Deus Ex Machina while Chris has Orbing, Telekinesis, Transportation Manipulation and Photokinesis. Patty got powers from her pregnancies and Piper got them with Wyatt but not Chris. Then Wyatt orbs during birth while Chris is almost two by the time that he shows magic. It beyond pisses me off! My Doctor Who Opinions: Okay, my entire problem with New Who can be summed up with one name: Steven Moffet. He completely ruined the entire show for me. Oh, where do I even start? Oh yes, I know, River Song/Melody fucking Pond-Williams. In what world was she a good character? All her timeline does is give me a headache. And seriously, would the Doctor ever actually allow himself to fall in love with her? She died the day he met her! The Doctor was way too scarred to ever consider actually loving her. If you ask me, at first he put up with her because of the paradox, then because he felt guilty about her being kidnapped by the Silence. And she herself just wasn't a good partner for him. As a character, I will acknowledge that she is interesting and a contrast to the Doctor (for once he's not the only one deciding if and when he meets the other person). But she doesn't understand him. The idea of her character is interesting but for the first, what, twenty, twenty-five years she only heard stories of the Doctor. Then, after meeting him once, she dedicated her academic career to learning about him and his travels throughout history. Knowing someone and knowing about someone are two different things, otherwise every celebrity fangirl would be the "true love" of their obsession. And she's not half-Time Lord/Lady. The title Time Lord is exactly that, a title earned over several centuries of study, and after graduating you receive your regenerations. At most River is part Gallifreyan, and that's it. By labelling her half-Time Lady, Moffet retconned everything. But then he retconned New and Classic Who canon every few episodes, so why would anyone even bother feeling surprised about it? Back to River. In Demon's Run, remember what River told him? He makes armies turn and run at the sound of his name, and to the people of Gamma Forest, his name means "mighty warrior". With her gun obsession, she strokes the cruel part of him (you know she does, he was never so cruel when he had Rose around-she got him to spare a Dalek, right after the Time War. After he regenerated, River just made him become crueler and crueler "the Doctor lies." Personally I think that was the deciding factor in the Doctor leaving Rose in Pete's World, because he "knew" there'd be no future for them. I mean, just before marrying River, the Doctor said he doesn't want to marry her. She just held the rest of the universe hostage until he did. Rose was so much better for him, and it's obvious that he still loves her, even in his twelfth form, there are still mentions of her. And River is the incarnation of everything the Doctor doesn't like-a murderous psychopath who manipulates people to do their bidding. She's one of those new female 'heroes' who are designed to appeal to that feminist trend where women are perfect and capable of everything and are constantly weighed down by their comic relief male companions. I mean, as if the Doctor, who had been driving the TARDIS (who is sentient, I headcanon that the Doctor lets the TARDIS go where she likes because he loves and trusts her, and River probably forced the TARDIS to yield to what River wanted instead. Bitch.) would forget something as basic as switching on the brakes. I guess he must have just told her that to fulfil that particular paradox (she has so, so many paradoxes, seriously I'd dislike her on principle. The poor Doctor must've been relieved to get away from the ache she put on his time senses when she died.), or else she made it up to make herself look better to Amy. Actually, I'm not fond of Amy either. I mean, better her than River, but I still don't like her. She treats her husband terribly. In fact, I think the only time she chose Rory (who spent 2000 years waiting for her, and people say Amy waited a long time?) over her "Raggedy Doctor" was in the Angels Take Manhattan. She was selfish and slutty. I mean, who runs off with another man for weeks and then kisses him and tries to seduce him the night before her wedding? And she makes no secret of how she's more devoted to the Doctor than her husband. And I've always thought that she was very entitled, thinking that she knew everything about the Doctor and was entitled to all of his secrets. There's a time to push, and a time to just give silent support. She never gave that to him, though Rose always did. (You know that Eleven's "bowties are cool" came from Rose, right? She should have stayed, I mean, how could Bad Wolf not have done anything to her when the Doctor regenerated after what, 5 seconds?) As for Rory, now he I like. In fact, he and Clara are the two companions I love for the Eleventh Doctor. They were supportive, kind, and knew when to push, and when to stay quiet. Why did they have to go? I think they should have killed off River and Amy (or something, just as long as they were gone) and had those two go together, while Rose came back (with Jack, I mean hello, immortal and loyal friend! Why wouldn't the Doctor want to keep him around? He'd never have to grieve for Jack!) and they all lived happily ever after in the TARDIS. I need to write a story with those plot points in it at some point. (Oh, and Jenny too. Plus no amnesiac Donna. Happy endings all around!) Avatar (AtLA/LOK): Okay, where to start? I know! Why do Zuko fans always need to screw over Aang? And what's with the whole Zuko as Avatar or a spirit thing? And Zutara, that pisses me off too. Now, don't get me wrong. I like Zuko well enough. He's a good character. But I don't get why he's SO MANY people's favourite. And I genuinely don't think he'd be a good Avatar. He doesn't have the temperament for it. A good Avatar needs to be compassionate, to be willing to care for all the world. I don't Zuko would have the moral strength to stay good if he had been in Aang's place. Further, it took Zuko YEARS to realize that the Fire Nation was wrong, even after the war meeting where he heard them (including his vaunted father) casually planning to sacrifice an entire platoon of new recruits for a shit reason. He's very stubborn, unwilling to admit he could be wrong about something. I truly believe he doesn't have the personality needed to be the Avatar. The whole Zuko-as-a-Spirit trope is utter bullshit designed to make Zuko this all-powerful Gary Stu hero and replace Aang. It boils down to Zuko fans knowing that Aang is better than Zuko in literally every possible way, personality, powers, etc, and wanting to eliminate everything that makes Aang special so their boy can shine. I literally despise that so much. There's this story, great writing, amazing world building. I cannot read it without getting SO PISSED OFF at the way Aang is written. Go on, condemn a TWELVE YEAR OLD for running away from the prospect of being forced to fight a war, save the world, and be taken from the only person who truly seems to care for HIM, not his being the Avatar. Go on. Assholes. Zuko's childhood was fucked up and Ozai had no right to have kids, there's no doubt, but Aang was literally a genocide victim who had no chance to mourn because he was instantly thrown headfirst into the deep end and given the responsibility of ending a century-long war and healing the damage from that. All the while his grief was brushed over and dismissed. The Air Nomad Genocide might've been a 100 years pre-series, but it was basically yesterday for Aang, yet he still managed to hold onto himself. And did I mention he was 12? Zuko'd never manage that. If he were in Aang's place, he'd instantly go for revenge. Zutara, I just don't think would work. They're too alike. They're fine as friends (once they push past the history of Zuko trying to capture Aang/kill the others, etc) but I can't see them being happy with each other. And also, I'm convinced it's just another way for Zuko fans to screw Aang over. As for LOK, I just don't like it. Korra was a shit Avatar, too reckless/self-confident to THINK about the possible consequences of her actions and as a result causing chaos. Then she got cut off from her past lives, and basically undermined everything that made the Avatar so awesome! Plus she renounced her position as Bridge Between Worlds at the same time, so what the hell was the point of there even being an Avatar anymore?! You Know You're a Book Nerd If: You can randomly open to a page and know exactly what's going on. You stay up to read a book until 4 A.M., then get back up at 7 to continue reading Just about everything you do revolves around reading. If you're not reading, you're probably on fanfiction.net, drawing fan art, etc. You try to get all of your friends to read your favorite books. Everything reminds you of the book. You quote random lines all the time. You try to do things that the characters do, even though you know you can't. You've gotten incredibly bored in class, and debated on doing something your favorite character can do to escape the class. You have pictures of your favorite characters on your computer. You've got a book memorized. You've read a specific book more than five times. You've read a book with 400 pages in less than two days. You talk to characters like they can hear you. You've planned and prepared a siege on a writer's house because he/she killed a character you like. You blatantly deny it when someone calls a character fictional. IF YOU ARE A BOOK NERD AND PROUD OF IT, COPY AND PASTE ONTO YOUR PROFILE!!!!!! “A lot of people think they know what a book is. But in reality not that many do. You see a book is not something you do when you’re bored; it’s not something you were forced to read for a stupid school report. No, a book is something more than that. A book is something that can make you cry for hours for someone who’s not even real (no matter how much you want them to be). It’s something that can make you laugh on your glummest day, at something that’s not even relatively funny. It’s something you scream at when something goes wrong and the idiot in the book won’t listen to you (no matter how hard you scream). It’s something that you get so lost in that you forget the date and where you are for a second. A book is something that’s so addicting that even when you say, “This is the last page, and then I’ll put it down,” you turn the page anyway. It’s your best friend through thick and thin, weather you’re black or white, fat or skinny, young or old. A book is just that- a book; it’s just that some people don’t know what a book is, even though you’ve known your whole life.” by xXIceshadowXx. Let me tell you a story about four friends of mine: Everybody, Nobody, Anybody, and Somebody. They were good friends and all lived in the same town. A new person was going to move into their town, and they needed a house. Everybody thought Somebody would build it, and Somebody thought Anybody would build it. But, in the end, Nobody built it. So, Everybody was mad at Somebody because Nobody did the job Anybody could have done. 79 Things to do in an Elevator 1. Crack open your briefcase or handbag, peer inside and ask "Got enough air in there?" Things to keep in mind... An apple a day keeps the doctor away, if well aimed. Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine. I run with scissors, it makes me feel dangerous. Join the dark side. We have cookies! I'm not always a dork- sometimes I'm asleep I'm not insensitive, I just don't care Oops! I appear to have fallen on your lips The only reason I'm here is because heaven wouldn't have me and hell was afraid I'd take over. A good girl is just a bad girl who's never gotten caught. Who doesn't love comebacks that make the other person sound stupid? I called your boyfriend gay and he hit me with his purse. Very few personal problems can't be solved through suitable application of high explosives. Taste the rainbow - Eat CRAYONS! There are three types of people: those who can count, and those who can't. History lesson: the dinosaurs didn't go extinct, Barney came and they all committed suicide. I ran with scissors - and lived! Slinky Escalator = Endless fun! Last night I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky and I thought to myself: where the heck is my ceiling? Last night I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky and I thought to myself: I'm too old for glow in the dark stickers... seriously, NO ONE is too old for glow in the dark stickers! Worst excuse for not turning in homework: I couldn't find anyone to copy it from. He who laughs last thinks slowest. The number of people watching you is directly proportional to the stupidity of your action. When everything's coming your way, you're in the wrong lane. I'm not a complete idiot - some parts are missing. Sometimes I wonder, "Why is the frisbee getting bigger?" Then I get hit in the face. I see regular people! Run for your lives! Consciousness: That annoying time between naps. A secret admirer is only a stalker with stationary. If you don't like my driving then stay off the sidewalk! If you are reading this then step 1 of my EVIL PLAN is complete. You say psycho like it's a bad thing... Stupidity killed the cat. Curiosity was framed. He Said: I don't know why you wear a bra, you have nothing to put in it. She Said: You wear pants don't you? People are like slinkies; basically useless, but ever so amusing to watch fall down the stairs. I find 'good morning' a contradiction of terms. Cute but psycho - things even out. If you can't convince 'em, confuse 'em. Hell issued a restraining order on me...oh the fun to be had! You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me. I would be more scared if you were aiming for the person next to me. What you call stupidity, I call selective understanding. If you're color blind, eating sweets must be a completely different experience. "Come on starbursts, give me red!... LEMON, DAMNIT!" I'm not so good with the advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment? Love your enemies. It pisses them off. The voices in my head may not be real but they still have pretty good ideas... Oops! Did my sarcasm hurt your feelings? If two wrongs don't make a right, try three One day we'll look back on this, laugh nervously, and change the subject. I intend to live forever...so far so good Old enough to know better, young enough to do it again Embrace the inner rebel - don't sit up straight Sure I have super powers! I just don't wanna show you You're awesome... but when the zombies come, I'm tripping you I am not weird... just plotting I don't obsess! I think intensely! I was gifted, but the psychiatrist took away my super powers. Smile; it makes people wonder what you're up to. When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep - not screaming, like the passengers in his car. Whoever said nothing was impossible never tried to slam a revolving door From the moment I picked your book up until I laid it down, I convulsed with laughter. Someday I intend on reading it. Life isn't passing me by; it's trying to run me over. Between two evils, I always pick the one I've never tried. Shit happens. But mostly to me, so don't worry. To Maintain A Healthy Level Of Insanity 1. At Lunch Time, Sit In Your Parked Car With Sunglasses on and point a Hair Dryer At Passing Cars. See If They Slow Down. 2. Page Yourself Over The Intercom. Don't Disguise Your Voice. 3. Every Time Someone Asks You To Do Something, ask If They Want Fries with that. 4. When caught sleeping at school/work/wherever you are not supposed to be sleeping, and you are woken up, shout, "AMEN!" 5.Put Decaf In The Coffee Maker For 3 Weeks. Once Everyone has Gotten Over Their Caffeine Addictions, Switch to Espresso. the Memo Field Of All Your Checks, Write For Marijuana 7.Finish All Your sentences with 'In Accordance With The Prophecy'. 9. Skip down the hall Rather Than Walk and see how many looks you get. 10. Order a Diet Water whenever you go out to eat, with a serious face. 11.Specify That Your Drive-through Order Is 'To Go'. 12. Sing Along At The Opera. 14. Put Mosquito Netting Around Your Work Area and Play tropical Sounds All Day. 15. Five Days In Advance, Tell Your Friends You Can't Attend Their Party Because You have a headache. 17. When The Money Comes Out The ATM, Scream 'I Won! I Won!' 18. When Leaving the Zoo, Start Running towards the Parking lot, Yelling 'Run For Your Lives! They're Loose!' 19. Tell Your Children Over Dinner,'Due To The Economy, We Are Going To Have To Let One Of You Go.' 20 And The Final Way To Keep A Healthy Level Of Insanity, Copy and Paste this To Make People who read bios Smile. OBITUARY FOR THE LATE MR. COMMON SENSE Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as: Knowing when to come in out of the rain; why the early bird gets the worm; Life isn't always fair; and Maybe it was my fault. Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you can earn) and reliable strategies (adults, not children, are in charge). His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a 6 year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition. Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job that they themselves had failed to do in disciplining their unruly children. It declined even further when schools were required to get Parental consent to administer Calpol, sun lotion or a band-aid to a student; but could not inform parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion. Common Sense lost the will to live as the Ten Commandments became contraband; churches became businesses; and criminals received better treatment than their victims. Common Sense took a beating when you couldn't defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar could sue you for assault. Common Sense finally gave up after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a little in her lap, and was promptly awarded a huge settlement. Common Sense was preceded in death by his parents, Truth and Trust; his wife, Discretion; his daughter, Responsibility; and his son, Reason. He is survived by his 3 stepbrothers; I Know My Rights, Someone Else Is To Blame, and I'm A Victim. Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone. If you still remember him, pass this on. If not, join the majority and do nothing. My Warren Family Tree: (Only shows direct ancestors of the Charmed Ones)
1. Armisael (former Necromancer who had a late Charter baptism and was granted Saraneth's powers along with being entrusted with keeping Yrael/Mogget from escaping and terrorizing the world. Married and had one son, Cassiel.) Granted the powers and tasked with his duties at nineteen. Spent 47 years in the position. 2. Cassiel (inherited the office after his father was killed by a pair of Stilkens, first Abhorsen to fight a Greater Dead. The Wallmakers made the Abhorsen-in-Waiting pipes and bells for him originally. Married and had three children. The surname became a title in his reign.) Spent 49 years in the position. Received the title and duties from his father shortly after turning twenty-two. 3. Siranael (inherited the offiiPsychokinesisce from her father after he was killed binding the first Greater Dead. First woman to be the Abhorsen. Unmarried, no children.) Spent 36 years in the position. Received the title and duties at seventeen. 4. Enriel (inherited the office from his aunt after her death at the hands of two necromancers. The first Abhorsen to remove and redo Mogget's binding. Unmarried, no children.) Spent 43 years in the position. Received the title and duties at twenty. 5. Harmanael (inherited the office from his cousin after his death from injuries received battling a Necromancer. Created the underground grotto where they placed the ice block to summon the waters to defend the House. Had a long term relationship with the second Prince.) Spent 32 years in the position. Received the title and duties at fourteen. 6. Teriel (inherited the office after his uncle was killed by a Mordicant. Youngest Abhorsen ever. Unmarried, no children.) Spent 7 years in the position. Received the title and duties at ten. 7. Feriniel (inherited the office after her elder brother was killed fighting a Necromancer with forty Hands. Created the tunnel from the tunnel leading to the island from near Barhedrin Ridge. Married with one daughter.) Spent 21 years in the position. Received the title and duties at sixteen. 8. Yannael (inherited the office after her mother died when her boat was sunk in a Necromancer-summoned storm. Married, two surviving children (three miscarriages and one killed in the course of his duties as Abhorsen-in-Waiting). She mapped the safe path through the Second Precinct.) Spent 41 years in the position. Received the title and duties at fifteen. 9. Castiel (inherited the office after his mother died defending Belisaere from a Dead invasion. Unmarried, no children. An expert at all the bells, but mastered using Ranna more than any other.) Spent 39 years in the position. Received the title and duties at twenty-five. 10. Adirael (inherited the office after his uncle died from an infected wound from a Shadow Hand. Married, no children. Very fond of peacefulness, and often neglected his duties in favour of study.) Spent 43 years in the position. Received the title and duties at nineteen. 11. Yezael (inherited the office after his (father's first) cousin was killed by a Hish. Built the garden shed with his own hands. Unmarried, no children.) Spent 37 years in the position. Received the title and duties at twenty-eight. 12. Kalliel (inherited the office after his uncle was killed by a Necromancer. Built the well/tunnel and locked Mogget up. Married, one son (predeceased him).) Spent 40 years in the position. Received the title and duties at thirty. 13. Edriel (inherited the office after his grandfather disappeared down the well, probably killed by Astarael. Released Mogget. Married, three children.) Spent 42 years in the position. Received the title and duties at fourteen. 14. Ysabel (inherited the office after her uncle was killed by a Mordicant. Oldest to gain the title. Married, one child.) Spent 10 years in the position. Received the title and duties at thirty. 15. Camael (inherited the office after his mother was killed by a Greater Dead. Married, two children. Bound the Stilken lose in the Great Library.) Spent 36 years in the position. Received the title and duties at twenty. 16. Aranael (inherited the office after her father died helping the Queen quell a rebellion. Unmarried, no children. Improved the wards on the House.) Spent 39 years in the position. Received the title and duties at twenty-two. 17. Gamaliel (inherited the office after his aunt was killed by a Margrue. Married, one child. First Abhorsen to fix a broken Charter Stone.) Spent 42 years in the position. Received the title and duties at eighteen. 18. Ezrael (inherited the office after his father was killed by a Free Magic sorcerer. Married, two children. Preferred using the pipes to his bells.) Spent 38 years in the position. Received the title and duties at twenty-six. 19. Hanael (inherited the office after her father died fighting three Necromancers at once. Unmarried, no children. Wrote the Treatise on Free Magic in the Clayr Library.) Spent 44 years in the position. Received the title and duties at fifteen. 20. Alliel (inherited the office after his aunt died ringing Astarael. Defeated the Necromancer Idrach and had a fountain built and named for himself on Abhorsen Island. Married, three children.) Spent 34 years in the position. Received the title and duties at twenty-eight. 21. Maderael (inherited the office after her father disappeared and sent her the bells and sword. Unmarried, no children. Only Abhorsen to ever 'retire' due to losing a leg.) Spent 9 years in the position. Received the title and duties at nineteen. 22. Kariniel (inherited the office after her aunt lost a leg and was forced to give up her duties. Unmarried, no children. Loved hunting and hated being the Abhorsen, though she did her duty.) Spent 26 years in the position. Received the title and duties at thirteen. 23. Tyriel (inherited the office after his aunt was killed by an arrow to the throat. Married with three children. His granddaughter became Chlorr of the Mask, the Bloodline's greatest shame.) Spent 44 years in the position. Received the title and duties at seventeen. 24. Belatiel (inherited the office after his uncle died falling from a horse while chasing a Necromancer. Married with four children. Released Chlorr, then Clariel, from prison, and regretted it all his life.) Spent 36 years in the position. Received the title and duties at fifteen. 25. Bethryael (inherited the position after her father disappeared after going north to find Chlorr. Was able to make seven different Charter skins, more than any other. Unmarried, no children.) Spent 33 years in the position. Received the title and duties at eighteen. 26. Sachiel (inherited the office after her aunt's death from a Gore Crow attack while wearing an eagle-skin. Preferred the pipes to bells for unknown reasons. Unmarried.) Spent 29 years in the position. Received the title and duties at seventeen. 27. Mishael (inherited the office after his (father's first) cousin died from a Free Magic spell that causes suffocation. Married the Princess Aurelinda, two children.) Spent 41 years in the position. Received the title and duties at nineteen. 28. Katriel (inherited the office after her father died fighting a pair of Necromancers. Created nineteen different spells. Unmarried, no children.) Spent 45 years in the position. Received the title and duties at fourteen. 29. Palleniel (inherited the office after her great-aunt died fighting a Hish. An amazing 'battle' seamstress, she figured out how to create cloth that was nigh-on untearable, and enchanted to adapt its' temperature to the environment. Unmarried, one child.) Spent 32 years in the position. Received the title and duties at sixteen. 30. Andriel (inherited the office after his mother was killed by a Mordicant and Necromancer pair. Wrote two books on advanced Charter Magic. Married, one child.) Spent 42 years in the position. Received the title and duties at twenty-four. 31. Rafiel (inherited the office after his father died in a battle against a Necromancer with an army of Hands. Defeated the remaining thirty Hands and Necromancer alone. Married, one child.) Spent 39 years in the position. Received the title and duties at seventeen. 32. Gidriel (inherited the office after his father died from poisoning. Rather arrogant, but very inventive. Unmarried, no children. Married, one child.) Spent 46 years in the position. Received the title and duties at thirteen. 33. Ammiel (inherited the office after her grandfather died fighting a Free Magic sorcerer. Had an affair with the Queen before breaking it off so they could do their duties and have heirs. Had one child.) Spent 38 years in the position. Received the title and duties at nineteen. 34. Gavriel (inherited the office after his mother died fighting a group of Dead Hands. Was better than anyone else in the line at hand-to-hand combat. Married, two children (one died young as Abhorsen-in-Waiting).) Spent 47 years in the position. Received the title and duties at twelve. 35. Imriel (inherited the office after her father disappeared. Created the spell that allowed an Abhorsen to summon a sending remnant of a loved one from beyond the Ninth Gate in an attempt to contact her lost brother. Unmarried, one child.) Spent 30 years in the position. Received the title and duties at twenty. 36. Jekuthiel (inherited the office after his mother rung Astarael to defeat an army of Hands and their Necromancer mistress. Had a hidden affinity for Free Magic stronger than his one to the Charter, but rarely made use of it save for necessity. Married, two children.) Spent 11 years in the position. Received the title and duties at twenty-nine. 37. Hamaliel (inherited the office after his father was killed by a Necromancer. Held High Bridge singlehandedly against a Northern attack for over a week until Guard reinforcements arrived.) Spent 34 years in the position. Received the title and duties at twenty. 38. Gaghiel (inherited the office after his uncle's death at the hands of two necromancers. Was a better archer than a swordfighter, but an expert with the bells. Married, one child.) Spent 37 years in the position. Received the title and duties at fourteen. 39. Baraquiel (inherited the office after his grandfather died fighting a Necromancer. Broke and re-forged Saraneth, Kibeth and Dyrim. Unmarried, no children.) Spent 39 years in the position. Received the title and duties at seventeen. 40. Mariel (inherited the office after her (mother's first) cousin died in a cavern collapse. Rather unconventional, enjoyed being feminine. Despite that, was an excellent Abhorsen. Married, two children.) Spent 18 years in the position. Received the title and duties at 25. 41. Verchiel (inherited the office after her mother died fighting a Necromancer. Bound a Hrule that had drunk Royal Blood in Bain, Ancelstierre. Unmarried, no children.) Spent 31 years in the position. Received the title and duties at fourteen. 42. Ramiel (inherited the office after his aunt died fighting a Greater Dead. Had a bad temper and often kicked Mogget to relieve his tension. Unmarried, no children.) Spent 25 years in the position. Received the title and duties at sixteen. 43. Auriel (inherited the office after her uncle was killed by a Hish. Longest lasting Abhorsen in history. Unmarried, one child.) Spent 52 years in the position. Received the title and duties at twelve. 44. Alisael (inherited the office at sixteen after her grandmother died fighting four Necromancers. She was so good at music that she didn't even need her bells. Married, three children.) Spent 36 years in the position. Received the title and duties at twenty-four. 45. Embriel (inherited the office at sixteen after his aunt died battling a Free Magic sorcerer. The Abhorsen who saw the Royal Line fall, two years before his own death. Unmarried, no children.) Spent 36 years in the position. Received the title and duties at eighteen. 46. Larael (inherited the office after her uncle died binding Kerrigor in the Fifth Precinct. Amazing weather-witch, made the Paperwing. Unmarried, no children.) Spent 37 years in the position. Received the title and duties at fourteen. 47. Jonael (inherited the office after his (mother's cousin) died stopping Kerrigor escaping. Finished rebinding Kerrigor in the Fifth Precinct again. Married, one child.) Spent 39 years in the position. Received the title and duties at fifteen. 48. Jerizael (inherited the office after her father died battling several sorcerers trying to free Kerrigor in the Fifth Precinct. She forbid Mogget to use his human form without permission from his current master or mistress. Unmarried, two children.) Spent 15 years in the position. Received the title and duties at twenty-three. 49. Peniel (inherited the office after her mother died saving her from a group of Hands serving Kerrigor. Built the hot water system in the House.) Spent 37 years in the position. Received the title and duties at thirteen. 50. Danael (inherited the office after his aunt died helping him bind Kerrigor to the Sixth Gate. Very reckless and impetuous. Sabriel and Lirael's grandfather. Unmarried, one son.) Spent 8 years in the position. Received the title and duties at twenty-four. 51. Sariel (inherited the office after her brother died fighting a group of Free Magic sorcerers trying to free Kerrigor. Youngest of four children. She died when the Regency fell. Unmarried, no children.) Spent 26 years in the position. Received the title and duties at eighteen. 52. Terciel (inherited the office after his aunt died with the Regency. Bound Kerrigor beyond the Seventh Gate. Married, two daughters.) Spent 23 years in the position. Received the title and duties at fifteen. 53. Sabriel (Defeated Kerrigor and restored the Heir Apparent to the throne of the Kingdom. Most famous Abhorsen and Queen Consort. Helped bind Orannis and defeated countless necromancers, sorcerers and Dead, including Chlorr of the Mask. Married with two children.) Current holder of the title, her younger half-sister Lirael is her Abhorsen-in-Waiting. |