Author has written 7 stories for Skip Beat!. July 5, 2009 update: I'm pretty much out of fan-fiction; I just don't have any desire to write it any more. I still love Skip Beat! though, so if I suddenly get an idea and am compelled to write it, I'll post it here. But you definitely can't expect to see fics released by me regularly. For the past year I've averaged one every month, but that won't be the case any more. Thanks very much to everyone who has read, reviewed or PMed. I appreciate everything, and I was happy to have people like my SB stories. :) August 2009 update: I have turned off all my 'alerts'. (All email notifications for PMs, reviews, and etc.) This account is abandoned...I'm sorry to anyone who would want a reply but though I DID reply to every review in the past, I haven't since my last update and won't be doing so in the future, either, because I'm just not interested in being part of FFnet anymore, on any level. Again, thanks to those who read my stories. Another August 2009 update: To back up what I've been saying about having left the site, I'm deleting five of my stories, the one I least liked. I hope no one misses them. (The stories deleted were Egg On Your Face, Sunny Side Up, LME's Love Day, Stuck, and Inches.) I'm leaving up a few that seem particularly popular (like The Wink) because I don't want to be mean to anyone who put these on their faves and wants to re-read. JUNE 2014 EDIT: Half forgot I had this account. Just thought I should say here, since you'd have trouble contacting me otherwise (since I don't check this account)...anyone wishing to translate my fics may do so, but you MUST put my name (golden_meliades) on it as the original author, as well as yours as the translator. And of course, remember to mention that the TRULY original author here is Yoshiki Nakamura (or Nakamura Yoshiki, of course) since this is all fan fiction. Though why anyone who didn't already know that would be reading the stories to begin with, I couldn't tell you, but hey, better to include pointless credit than leave it out. |
Guardian-381 (36) | Northlight (157) | Resmiranda (27) |