Author has written 3 stories for Teen Titans. Hmmm...what to put here...I guess general stuff never hurt anyone, dood. Name - Mike Sex - Male Age - 18 Height - 5' 4" (I know I'm short, so sue me...dood) Favorite shows - Studio 60 Favorite games - Starfox series (command was kind of lame though)Tales of Symphonia Favorite quotes - "It's like sinning in bulk, dood." Prinny judge Disgaea 2 "We challenge you to a game of bowling dood!" Prinnies Disgaea 2 The following is an excerpt from a short story that my friend refuses to let anyone else see. Note that this isn't how it actually looks in the story, I just condensed it to fit better. Tod (Can't remember the original names) - "(long winded speech about something) and I promise that I'll love you forever." Favorite Pairings - Naru/Hina - I guess there's just something to be said about unrequited love and oblivious males. Sadly, I mostly like this pairing simply because it's so believable. The oblivious male who thinks very little (try and deny it, but it's true) of the female and the shy female who loves the male completely. That and it's always great to root for the underdogs. Sheena/Lloyd - I think I started a trend with this pairing first in that I just love to pair up the oblivious male and the love struck female. Sure most people see Sheena getting with Zelos, but I tend to ignore those people in favor of the couple that makes much more sense. I mean...who makes a better fit; a pervert and chauvinist with the kick ass but also emotional ninja, or the lovable swordsman who believes that everyone deserves a chance (well...almost everyone) and the once again kick ass but also emotional ninja. Beast Boy/Raven - Hmmm...I never mentioned it, but the trend isn't really pairing up the oblivious male and the love struck female. It has something to do with it, but it actually has to do with the thing I first noticed in this pairing. The two characters are so different on the oustide, but on the inside they are truly one and the same. It's the perfect mix of familiarity and differences that allows a couple to stay together. Other pairings that are interesting - Naru/Ino And amazingly enough (since I can't stand yaoi) Eh...yeah, that's all I care to share at this point. Thanks for wasting a few minutes of your life to learn a little about me...even if most of this garbage is just that...garbage. |