Author has written 32 stories for Bourne series, Outsiders, Harry Potter, Rumble Fish, Hunger Games, Person of Interest, Tomorrow People, 2013, Star-Crossed, Smallville, Revolution, Crisis, Freelancer, and Foundation. Hey, everyone! Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The old version of Unplanned Journey was submitted for nomination for the third season Wrong Side of the Tracks Awards. It didn't win in this iteration. The same fic was submitted for nomination again for the fourth season Wrong Side of the Tracks Awards, and I'm proud to announce it won! You can check the award website at http:/// Where this handle comes from: Read the book Psychohistorical Crisis by Kingsbury. :) About the C2 Archive: I don't know if someone else has already done this, so I made an archive for any Harry Potter fic I find that has Harry being put into Ravenclaw. As I have done Sorting Hat tests and generally come out Ravenclaw I am a bit partial to that house. ;-) So, if you have a fic that features a Ravenclaw Harry don't hesitate to ask me to put it into the archive. :) Since I used to write in the Outsiders fandom (I may yet do so still), and because the Marauder-era fanfictions in Harry Potter go back to the 1960s and 1970s, here are some handy tables showing historical exchange rates. Note that from 1945 to about 1973 there was a worldwide regime of fixed exchange rates known colloquially as Bretton Woods. Exchange rates against the UK Pound Sterling A word about my fics: I've kind of bounced around fandoms for a while now. I am a particular fan of Plutarch Heavensbee from the Hunger Games books, because he's obviously got a brain and he knows how to do what has to get done to survive and assist the rebellion he's been part of for years prior to the concluding events in Mockingjay. *squees* Star-Crossed "Sondiv" Language: I started reading fics in this fandom a little while ago, and I came across some Sondiv phrases. I got curious after asking an author about it, and it turns out, judging from the few phrases I've seen is that the language is decidedly unusual enough to remark upon! :) English is what's called SVO (Subject-Verb-Object). Other Germanic languages more or less obey this as do most Romance languages. But Sondiv is OVS, which is certainly quite brain-bendy enough without the fact of an alien culture thrown into the mix. From Twitter, I also found the cardinal numbers from one to ten: Vek, Idis, Urpis, Ndu, Eps, Uduyu, Mon, Tu, Vol, So. And here's a link to the actual creator's Tumblr: http:///tagged/Sondiv |
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