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Joined 03-07-14, id: 5575076, Profile Updated: 12-19-16
Author has written 2 stories for Frozen.

I love to write stories that have a lot of feels and carries a lot of emotions in which every emotion and feelings in a character is described. I also write for a purpose. I write stories to send messages for the readers and not just a simple fantasy story for entertainment. :) And I get very dedicated to my story.

One of my fanfics is The Ice Behind Bars (the main reason is to show the impact and results of Child Abuse.)

As for my Favorite things:

Favorite movies: Frozen, Forest Gump, Mamma Mia, Underworld and The Last Exorcism.

Favorite TV Shows/Series: Game of Thrones, Once Upon A Time, Revenge and The Ellen Show.

Favorite Color : Cyan

Favorite Animal: All of them.

Favorite video game: Red Dead Redemption xD

Favorite Books : Throne of Glass series, A Game of Thrones, The Book Thief, The Lunar Chronicles series, Gone Girl, Dark Places, Sharp Objects.

Favorite Song: Shattered - Trading Yesterday, Innocence - Avril Lavigne, Lana Del Ray's songs (duh!) Pale - Within Temptation and All songs from the band Starset.

Favorite Movie Character: Elsa from Frozen

Favorite Villain Character from Movies: Cruella (101 Dalmation)

Favorite Villain Character from Series: Rumpelstiltskin (Once Upon A Time)

Favorite Anime: Erased; Akame Ga Kill; Elfen Lied; Princess Mononoke

Favorite Anime Character: Akame from Akame Ga Kill.

This is where the covers and fanart will be:

Chapter 16 (The Ice Behind Bars) (by lany19) : http:///art/The-Ice-Behind-Bars-Chapter-16-Cover-449376480?q=gallery&qo=0

Chapter 18 : Innocence Part I cover (by lany19 ) : http:///art/Innocence-Part-I-Cover-450678201?q=gallery&qo=0

Chapter 19 : Innocence Part II cover (by lany19 ) : http:///art/Innocence-Part-II-Cover-451507364?q=gallery&qo=0

INNOCENCE PART I - ELSA AND BULDA FANART (by lany19) : http:///art/The-Ice-Behind-Bars-Innocence-Elsa-and-Bulda-457387631

Sisterly Bond - Bed scene : Elsa and Anna fanart (by lany19) : http:///art/The-Ice-Behind-Bars-Sisterly-Bond-Bed-Scene-456836909

Warm and Caring - Elsa and Aphrodite (by lany19) : http:///art/The-Ice-Behind-Bars-Elsa-and-her-Mother-460925877

A Reindeer's Friendship - Elsa and Sven (by Lany19) : http:///art/The-Ice-Behind-Bars-A-Reindeer-s-Friendship-469170472

Elsa and Aiden (by lany19) : http:///art/Frozen-Fanfic-The-Ice-Behind-Bars-Aiden-and-Elsa-469171205

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

The Ice Behind Bars II: Redemption reviews
It's been three years since Elsa's revival. With a life finally outside the dungeons, Elsa starts experiencing new feelings. When new enemies appear, she learns that she had killed people in her past. With her worst fear coming true, she becomes distant from everyone and starts believing she really does belong behind bars. Can Elsa ever accept what she'd done and find Redemption?
Frozen - Rated: T - English - Family/Angst - Chapters: 9 - Words: 30,636 - Reviews: 204 - Favs: 122 - Follows: 162 - Updated: 9/19/2020 - Published: 8/29/2016 - [Elsa, OC] Anna, Queen Iduna
The Ice Behind Bars reviews
After the ballroom accident the king and queen had to take Anna's entire memory away. On their way back an ambush occurred, leading to the disappearance of the queen and the kidnap of Anna, who is later raised by thieves. The claimed-to-be fair king releases his rage out on Elsa by abuse and torture. 15 years later Anna is sent on a mission only to discover a horrifying truth: Elsa
Frozen - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Suspense - Chapters: 59 - Words: 310,224 - Reviews: 2035 - Favs: 783 - Follows: 756 - Updated: 12/26/2016 - Published: 3/7/2014 - Anna, Elsa, King Agnarr, Queen Iduna - Complete