Author has written 3 stories for Stargate: SG-1. I'm a Computer Programming student in Florida, thus my first story is based on what I would do if I were the SGC's computer technician. That would be...well...interesting. My second story is based on what would happen if a hacker found out too much information than the government wanted him to know.Im new to the concept of fan fiction, but I hope that you all enjoy my stories I will write! Thanks for reading! PS: Rather than put it on all of my stories, I'll put it here. I dont own Stargate SG1, Gen. Hammond or anyone else seen in any and all episodes of anything related to Stargate. Trust me though, if given the chance, I'd bid on the rights in a heartbeat. So far, my only original characters are Sergeant Berg and Kevin Edwards. I'll share them if you have an idea for a story with them in it though. But yeah... "Any coincidence to any person real or fiction, alive or dead is entirely coincidental and highly impropable." No money changed hands, I do this because I have too much time on my hands (I wish!). I love reviews! Please share your comments! "Its a figure of speech I can't figure out!" - Colonel Danning (Nick Marlowe, "Wormhole X-treme") |