Author has written 8 stories for Teen Titans. Updated: Never ~~~If you wish to put one of my stories in a C2 Community or on a various website, please contact me first.~~~ Author's Note: Life changes too much for time to be free anymore. -- Teen Titans Heavy Metal ~ This is one of those 'What if' stories. I don't think they've explored Cyborg as much as they should have. That's why I took the liberty of doing it myself. Plus, adding in one of my favorite characters of the show. I am particularly happy about this one because, past those minor grammar mistakes, I was able to write straight through the end on this. A Tamaran's Love ~ Ah, another one I loved to write. I loved Galfore and decided to do a little tidbit on him. It might be a bit weird to read but that was on purpose. One-Way Conversation ~ As you've probably guessed by now, I don't like writing chapters. They're too messy. I wanted to try to make a story that was just all conversation. Much to say, this was a 90/10. I almost made it...almost. Another story that is tops in my list. Prison of the Mind ~ I never liked the title but I still can't think of one that is better. I had thought, they never show Starfire as totally crazy mad. Sure, maybe she's had her temper rise from time to time but nothing big. I wrote this during season 2 I believe and when I saw the episode 'Go!' in season 6, I was thinking to myself...'Hell ya Star. Kickass.' This is also an angsty fic because it was too late at night to make something happy. The Worst Fear ~ Is Red X a good guy or a bad guy? That has been a question debating for ages and it's not answered in this fic. Actually, I played on Robin's paranoia. It might seem like I copied from that one episode with Robin going crazy with Slade images, but I wrote this before that episode so I'm not a cheater. Anyways, Red X is a couple of images, destroying his friends, and apparently, Red X is having the same thing, though...who his friends are? I dunno. Ghost Train ~ I had actually intended this to be a Robin related fic but changed it at the last second. Instead, it's just a couple of kids who meet an old Beast Boy. I took the liberty of using the myth about the Ghost Train, That the soul travels to the nearest train station and waits for the Ghost Train to take them to their final destination. I was also inspired from Eric Whitacres 'Ghost Train'. Awesome music. Tone Deaf ~ Possibly the worst fic I've ever, written. It's so full of n00b-ish mistakes and bad writing that I keep it on my name because I want to be reminded that I can always do better. The most important thing to me is to write a fiction better than what I've previously done. Plus it is chaptered. The Delivery Boy ~ The first fanfiction I've ever done. I am rather still amused by this one. I decided to take a look on what the pizza boy would think when he was delivering the yummy goodness to Jump City's heroes. I also was actually a n00b here too and thought. "Durr...I should write a Mary-Sue...Durr." After I had written this, not posted only written, I read some more Teen Titans fiction and this was basically how I found myself wanting to kill all OC's (Original Character's) and ACC's (Author Created Character's) and rub their wounds in salt. Thankfully I'm a pretty nice person and decided to go with a cameo of me being the main character's sister...or cousin...I forgot. Quote: Reviews and Good Criticism are Gladly Welcomed. Many Thanks! (All My Favorite Stories Are Under Favorite Authors.) |