Author has written 24 stories for Gundam Wing/AC, Evangelion, Naruto, Final Fantasy XII, Final Fantasy X, Sweeney Todd, Final Fantasy VII, Ironman, Avengers, Batman Begins/Dark Knight, and Mass Effect.
My Five Commandments
I will never post a story without spellchecking.
I will never hold my stories hostage for reviews.
I will never abandon a story.
I will never post anything I honestly think is no good.
I will treasure every review I get, and treat both praise and honest criticism with the consideration they deserve.
I accept all creeds, genders, and orientations.
~~~~~Fanworks! (You are all absolutely awesome; thank you!)~~~~
Bijuu - The Tailed Beasts by ~luzopi
Moriko -gobi- by nwfairy
Bijuu Colored by ~luzopi (line-art) and nwfairy (color)
The Tailed Beasts by ~luzopi (line-art) and ~scarblade (color)
NBM- Moriko by Amsuhl
NBM - Naruto by Amsuhl
NBM - Riko - All the things... by Amsuhl
NBM - Varg's Family by Amsuhl
NBM - Sisters by Amsuhl
NBM - Desert Moon by Amsuhl
NBM - Freyja and Moriko by Amsuhl
NBM - Fishing by Amsuhl
NBM - Giving Up by Amsuhl
NBM - Butcher of Kusu by Amsuhl
NBM - I don't feel the cold by Amsuhl
Naruto Fan Art by RaRaMuffin
NBM - Brothers at War by Amsuhl
~~~~~Fanstories! (Thank you so much for everything!)~~~~~
Parallels of Father and Son by ncfan
The Nine Broken Mirrors Discussion - If you have questions, ask them here, and I'll try to get back to you within the day.
~~~~~Uncensored Chapters~~~~~
Dulce Et Decorum Est - Chapter Eleven
Dulce Et Decorum Est - Chapter Fifteen