Author has written 13 stories for Harry Potter, xxxHOLiC, and Naruto. ANNOUNCEMENT AUGUST 2010: I'm letting you guys know now, I'm basically kind of done with fanfiction. I apologize for leaving fics unfinished but I've just lost interest in them and my real life is way to busy to keep writing them along with the original fiction I'm trying to get started (it's still in research phase for those who want to know). I do still love Harry Potter and have a fondness for Naruto but really, I'm just not interested enough to keep writing and if I'm not interested you'll wind up with bad fanfic and there's enough of that on the internet already ;) Just know that in the fics Naruto and Sasuke eventually get together and have lots of sex ( and in Alliance they have a boy who is also a carrier and winds up getting together with Neji and Gaara's boy much to Sasuke's annoyance). So sorry again. I'll be leaving the stuff I have written up for people but just don't expect any updates (and please don't bug me about updates). When I start up my original fiction I'll leave a link here for those interested. My other main places on the net: Book and Movie Review Blog (updated daily, my main online thing right now): http:// My Shelfari page (see what I read! be warned, it's a lot as I am a major bookworm): http:///o1514598547 My DeviantArt Page (see my random artwork from Naruto and whatever, many fanarts from my fics, some good, some bad): http:// |
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