Author has written 2 stories for Diana Wynne Jones, and Artemis Fowl. Hi! Or guten tag if you are German. I like Germans and the Irish. You may call me Snail applause or if you would prefer, the Almighty One. I live with my deamon, Kyriin, and my death,who is at present surfing in Bermuda.(can you surf in Bermuda? I'm not sure) I haven't been around here for a while but for those who are intrested I am now back more applause. I also apologise to anyone who has read any of my previous stories, they were frighteningly Mary-Sueish. At the moment I am writing a Chrestomanci fanfic because there is far too few of these saddened applause. I like reading Artemis Fowl, His Dark Materials, Charlie Bone, Faerie Warsand the sequel, Garth Nix, and Chrestomanci. I read a LOT of other books having connections with the library but these are my favorites. My favorite tv programme is GREEN WING cheering breaks out I am shocked to see no Green Wing fics, what is wrong with you people? I am ashamedshakes head ashamedely(sp?) I have also noticed nothing about 'My Parents are Aliens'. Now I do not particularly like this show, it just struck me as odd that there is nothing about it. My favorite films are Romeo + Juliet and Monty Python and the Holy grail. Yes well I've written more than I intended for anyone still reading bon voyage and happy reviewing! Here is my terribly fascinating website, that is very shallow and has a wonderful Mary-Sue style story on it. it also has a fanfiction definitions page, which basically explains all the phrases wrods and abbrevs used on here. |