![]() Author has written 46 stories for DC Superheroes, X-Men, Lord of the Rings, Batman, Marvel, Teen Titans, Justice League, Death Note, Batman Begins/Dark Knight, Sherlock Holmes, Fantastic 4, Wheel of Time, Batman, Star Wars, Monk, and Avengers. Timeline for my DCAU Fanfics I've noticed that the list of my DCAU fanfics (always posted in the "Justice League" category) has gotten ridiculously long. And I didn't write them in chronological order, either. So, for the sake of anyone who actually cares, I've decided to post this list of links to let you know the sequence in which these things occurred. Please note that I work on the assumption that everything happened exactly as we remember from the canonical episodes of various DCAU series, up through the end of Justice League Unlimited, but I make no promises about Batman Beyond. As a rule: If I post it as its own little story, that means fans of the original cartoons should be able to appreciate the new story without needing to remember the details of a bunch of other fanfics I've posted. So here they are, in the sequence in which I think they happened. I include parenthetical notes on who stars in each story, and just when it happens relative to the canonical material and/or other fanfics on this list. "Just Running Errands" (This one-shot was my first DCAU fanfic. It happens sometime during the original Justice League show, when there were only seven members. Only Flash and Wonder Woman appear in this one; the focus is on Flash.) "Passing Judgment on the Justice Lords" (Most of this happens the day after the second season's "A Better World." All seven of the original members are involved in a spirited discussion.) "One Night on Monitor Duty" (set a couple of weeks after the episode "The Greatest Story Never Told" — the focus is on Booster Gold, with several other heroes each getting a little dialogue along the way) "Something Doesn't Smell Right" (probably happens a little after "One Night on Monitor Duty," and features two heroes who each appeared in several episodes while getting a grand total of zero lines of dialogue: Nemesis and Crimson Fox) "A Rich Kid With Issues" (definitely happens after "This Little Piggy," and probably before "Question Authority," although it's hard to tell—the whole thing is basically just a quick look inside Batman's head regarding his reasons for not dating Wonder Woman) "Second Date" (shortly before the episode "Question Authority" — a Question/Huntress story) "Dinner Date" (during the episode "Question Authority"—a Question/Huntress story ) "Questionable Housekeeping" (shortly after the episode "Divided We Fall"—a Question/Huntress story) "Question of Protocol" (happens a few days after "Questionable Housekeeping." The Question and Superman get much of the dialogue, but Wonder Woman and Batman also participate) "The Hermit and the Fugitive" (No link, because right now this is just a placeholder note. I have a detailed plot outline and an incomplete rough draft, but I don't know when I'll get around to tidying it up. It's meant to more-or-less rehabilitate a canonical villain) "Filing System" (sometime during the final season of Justice League Unlimited—a Question/Huntress story) "Stalling for Time" (probably happens around the same time as "Filing System"—stars Captain Marvel, with some attention to Flash) "Bewitching Beauty" (an 13-line acrostic poem which I once wrote just to see if I could; the narrator is an unidentified secret admirer of Zatanna Zatara, apparently one of her male teammates (which narrows it down to what, maybe 45 suspects?)) "A Mild Break in Routine" (happens immediately after the final episode of Justice League Unlimited—frankly, this is not much of a story; I wrote it in a hurry for a challenge on a forum, but I don't quite have the heart to delete it now!) "Seven Conversations from Wayne Manor (Plus One on Themyscira)" (Ongoing. Set well after the final episode of Justice League Unlimited—focus is on Batman and Wonder Woman; mostly from her point of view) "Changes of Fortune" (This is another placeholder. I plan to work on this story next, after I finish up "Seven Conversations." It will start soon after that one ends, and some scenes already exist on my hard drive, along with a lengthy plot outline. It will be my longest Justice League fanfic by a considerable margin, and will have several superheroes each getting significant roles in one way or another, including but not limited to: Captain Marvel, Batman, Wonder Woman, Question, Huntress . . .) "Just Slow Down" (set perhaps 15 years after the end of the Justice League Unlimited series, and narrated by my own creation—Tina West, aka The Fastest Girl Alive (and Flash's daughter, in case you couldn't guess!)) "The Opening Night Review" (Probably happens a year or two after "Just Slow Down," and focuses on my creations Phoebe and Atalanta Wayne, fraternal twin daughters of Bruce and Diana, as the two girls are just beginning their own costumed careers. With that tiny hint about their pedigree, you might be able to figure out how the Batman/Wonder Woman romance is scheduled to turn out in my timeline. Or am I being too subtle?) About Free Spirit One of my ongoing projects is a serial narrated by Free Spirit (Cathy Webster), who was briefly a sidekick/protégée to Captain America in the mid-90s, but simply hasn’t been heard from in Marvel’s continuity for over a decade to the best of my knowledge. If you are not familiar with Free Spirit, then you might want to follow this link to see what she looks like and learn a little background info. ( Free Spirit (the "Comic Vine" file) Outside Links to Superhero Parodies of Mine Several of my own "fanfics" about comic book superhero characters have been done as parodies, and for some reason I always do outright parodies in script format. Since FanFiction.net has a hard-and-fast rule against posting script-format fanfics here (for no reason they have ever explained, so far as I know), I can't post those here. But just today (7 February 2007) I have posted a whole bunch of my lengthier superhero-related writings on another website, and that includes several parodies that might appeal to you if you like to see a fellow fan of the superhero crowd poking fun at their peculiarities in an affectionate manner. Parodies Based Upon Specific Stories This one will make a lot more sense if you are already familiar with Jeph Loeb's 12-part "Hush" epic. If you aren't familiar with the source material, then be warned that this is full of Spoilers for the plot twists! Sins Unsurpassed (Part 1) This one will make a lot more sense if you are already familiar with J. Michael Straczynski's 6-part "Sins Past" Spider-Man story arc. If you aren't familiar with the source material, then be warned that this is full of Spoilers for its plot twists! Arguing Batman's Guilt in the "Tower of Babel" Parodies of the Superhero Lifestyle in General Superhero Panel: "When to tell your sweetheart your secret identity" In each of these, a motley assortment of Marvel and DC heroes have been invited to sit at a long table for a "panel discussion" on a controversial issue. Some of the things they say in response to the Question of the Day are breathtakingly ridiculous, but all of them are based carefully upon stuff that "really happened" once upon a time in someone's continuity! Some of my miscellaneous writings (not in a storytelling format) about superhero and comic book topics are available here: |