I read. I review. Sometimes I even write. If I left you a review on your work, it's because I believe your piece is exceptional in some way. If I left you with some critique it's because I believe your work has a lot of potential. In any and all cases I'm being as honest as I can be. This is both a good thing and a bad thing, it all depends on what you choose to do with my opinion, but at the end of the day that's very much your choice. Welcome to the writing world, it's a lovely place. If I left you with feedback of any sort, I'm more than willing to discuss your piece and/or my opinion of it with you. I enjoy playing sounding board / devil's advocate, I especially like discussing characterization, narrative choices and the use of plot devices. I'm even willing to be a beta reader if you ask politely. I've taken way too many creative writing courses, which are peer critique heavy; so my feedback sometimes get away from me and before I know it, I've written an essay. Thus, feel free to tell me to cut it out. Veronica Mars is my first love but I'm very picky about what I read in that fandom. Grey's Anatomy is a very close second and my current obsession, fic-wise. I'm a M/D shipper, but Addison is my favorite character. Honestly, I also ship Meredith with Mark, Alex, Viper and the garage door. Anyone other than George. That said, I rarely judge fics by pairings, I judge them by the way the author treats the characters. Finally, I think the most important thing for a writer to remember is this: You only fail if you quit. Addendum: My attention span? Not the greatest. I love long stories but if there's a very long time between chapters, I'll forget the storyline & consequently scroll right over the updates. |