Author has written 4 stories for Harry Potter, and Bleach. HARRY POTTER FANFICTION: "The Sinner and the Saint": currently writing "It is easier to make a saint out of a libertine than out of a prig". -George Santayana, philosopher (1863-1952) DISCLAIMER: Given the nature of fanfiction and popular culture, will people please refer from making observations about how Draco has not written the lyrics for Simple Plan's "Perfect". I am perfectly aware of the ruddy fact. This is what the disclaimer at the beginning of the entire chapter is for. If I was not able to borrow copyrighted material from other sources, I wouldn't even be writing fanfiction. Much love to JKR and Kubo Tite for their genius. Please read the disclaimer at the start of every chapter. I understand if people do not share the same musical tastes as I do. I can accept reviews which criticize whether or not the inclusion of an aforementioned song is tasteful or relevant. I will not tolerate reviews in which it is pointed out that the lyrics belong to some actual real human band/singer when I know that they are. I also understand that people don't think the way I do. Next time, save everyone from my rantings... READ THE BLOODY DISCLAIMER! Also the length of chapters is NOT NEGOTIABLE. I write as much as I think the scenes need. Word count is not important, I'm more interested in quality. AS OF 07/18/05 - To all my readers of the HP fic Just finished reading HBP. Definitely puts my fic in the Alternate Reality Universe. Considering rewriting it to include HBP information (not to mention having to re-write Blaise's character) but may end up too lazy to do so. If any of you really wants me to do so, drop me a review and give me a good argument. If I do rewrite it, the story would be changed DRASTICALLY. It all depends on how faithful you want me to be to JKR's world. OTHER FANFICTION: Considering Writing: 1) A fanfiction on Sesshoumaru/Rin. Yes, in the anime/manga she's a child and he's an ageless demon. Gimme a break, I'm not going to write about pedophilia. I'm more interested of the possibilities once she grows up because let's face, she will. Anyway, any Inuyasha fan that likes my fiction and thinks there may be an audience for this, let me know. 2) A fanfiction based on Chrno Crusade. Yes it would be Rosette/Chrno. A demon and a nun. You just have to love it. 3) A Bleach two-shot. Renji/Tatsuki. I heard of this pairing on the SoulSociety lj. And it made sense in my head. Yeah, no canon basis whatsoever. But hey, if I'm writing Dramione, I don't think I'm all that concerned about canon. |