Author has written 41 stories for Hobbit, Primeval, Poldark, Glee, and Harry Potter. Hi guys. For those who are reading this, my name's Alice and I've been writing for...well ages I guess. It all started when I wanted to earn my Writers badge in Brownies and then just...exploded. My main fangirling obsessions change a lot. But anything Middle Earth and Disney will forever be in my heart. But I also LOVE my superhero shows and films as well as anything with a musical element. Or a crime elelment. Or sci-fi. Or historical. Just about anything really. Fell in love with fanfiction when I got into Sherlock and started reading all the JohnLock fanfiction (the clean stuff I might add) and decided to have a go at my own stuff. But only had enough courage to publish when I was 18. I am EXTREMELY obsessed with The Hobbit. And when I say that I mean I am obsessed with Fili and Kili - we're talking mugs, posters, calendars, fanfic, badges...EVERYTHING. Since watching Being Human my Kili obssesion has tuned into a general obssesion with Aidan Turner. I was very lucky to see him on stage in 2018 and even got his autograph! Finished university recently; did English with creative writing and then a Masters in just Creative Writing. Would love to be a fantasy novelist one day, but would also like to try my hand at TV script and also some historical themed fiction. Favourite TV shows: Downton Abbey, Glee, Castle, Outlander, Legends of Tomorrow, Arrow, The Flash, The Orville, Primeval, Doctor Who (although not any of the recent stuff) Peaky Blinders, The Big Bang Theory Favourite movies: The LOTR trilogy and The Hobbit (seriously it's getting to a stage of obssession now) anything Disney, anything musical (the Greatest Showman is one of my latest obsessions), the Iron Man trilogy, Avengers Assemble and Endgame, both Guardians of the Galaxy films, and pretty much anything Christmassy. Also a huge Carry On and James Bond fan. Favourite books: Too many. FAR too many to try and list! Favourite Authors: Again: Again... far too many. Favourite Characters: Tony Stark, Nick Fury, Peter 'Star-Lord' Quill, Hawkeye, Batman, Nightwing, the Joker, the Flash, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Huntress, Fili and Kili, Bilbo Baggins, Legolas, Gandalf, Second Doctor, Fourth Doctor, Sixth Doctor, Belle, Flynn Rider, Sherlock Holmes, Merlin and Arthur, Jamie Fraiser, |
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