Hi, I'm purpleradiance, formerly Andalitebandit. Age: Old enough to understand dirty jokes and young enough to understand memes. I read and review stories on this site, though I'm reluctant to write my own. I come and go through different fandoms. I've had brief but intense obsessions from Animorphs to Zootopia, but I'm always in the Harry Potter fandom. According to Myers-Briggs 16 personalities test, I am a INFP. PM if you want to talk! |
Aky-san (17) CalaveraCandiedSkull (25) cupid-painted-blind (126) DeadpanAndDeadInside (16) greenconverses (90) | Gunpowder Cookies (28) HecateA (926) karatemaster101 (13) Liana Legaspi (0) | pinksugarrush (14) RabulaTasa (22) SoloMoon (20) SweetLiars (8) VickyVicarious (245) |