Author has written 4 stories for Inuyasha.
Currently Updating:
Three Musketeers: AU (so no demons), mystery speaker, first person POV. Three best friends, learning that, sometimes, you can't make someone see reason. Some OOC once you find out who the characters are, but not as much as you'd like.
On Hiatus:
One Wish Outtakes: A collection of side stories for One Wish. Some serious, some not so, and some meant not to be taken as part of theOne Wish timeline at all. Just a vent to give the original characters more space to be themselves without having to worry about minor things like plots. Or else to explain details of the characters' pasts.
Two Mikos: Prequel to One Wish. Takes place after everyone but Kagome in the Inu-tachi has been killed. Kikyo makes a deal with Kagome- Kagome trains under Kikyo to become a better miko and helps kill Naraku, and in exchange, Kikyo will kill her to release her from the guilt of knowing she was the cause of her companions' death. Deals with Kagome's depression, explains how the characters died, shows a different side of Kikyo than the one usually portrayed. Caution- is a bit angsty. Reading the prologue of One Wish is adviseable. I'll try to get back to it once I finish up One Wish.
One Wish: Quasi-reincarnation fic. Based on the premise that Kagome wished she had never gone to the past. But the Shikon no Tama isn't so simple to get rid of, nor is the present any better than the past she wished away. Can Kagome remember what she gave up before history repeats itself? Caution- reincarnated souls have different names and the plot gets very convoluted. (I promise to go back and edit out the red herrings I ended up having as I added in ideas for where this story could go. Just as soon as I finish. Which is soon, because I've already got everything scripted, I just need to fine-tune the details.)
Last Updated: One Wish, 03/11/07
Current writing peeve
Time travelers. Kagome can go through the well because she has the Shikon no Tama, and Inu-Yasha can go through the well because he’s tied to Kagome by the subduing spell. But many fanfiction authors have the urge to drag other people through the well- Sesshoumaru (Why????), Shippo (who’s already shown he can’t get through the well), Sango, Miroku... There are those authors who actually explain how other people can get through (high spiritual energy, for example), but most don’t explain at all. They just have Kagome say “Hey, want to come to my time for awhile?” How ridiculous can you get? Kagome’s a smart girl, she’d understand just from Inu-Yasha’s reactions not to bring other people from Sengoku Jidai to her time, nor does she ever seem to have a plausible reason for inviting them. (Shopping with Sango is just wrong. Stop using it. Now. Please.). Also, fan though I may be of IY-YYH crossovers, the boys don't need to be hopping back either. Write something else already, people.
Some quotes I like:
"There are three rules for writing the novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are."
- W. Somerset Maugham
If you can distinguish between good and bad advice, you don't need advice.