![]() Author has written 22 stories for Stargate: SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis, and Thoughtcrimes. Welcome to Katty's Korner! July 21, 2014 How in the heck has it been five years since I last updated this--where has the time gone?!!! Well, it went like this: First, I started a new job a few months after the last update and I knew that would take all of my time and energy for awhile--and it did. Several years of it, in fact. Then major stuff happened with family/personal life and that also ended up leaving me with NO time or energy for writing...and that's how it's ended up being five years since I've updated or even worked on any of my stories. On the positive side, I'm back! Writing has been slow, but at least there has been some progress on a few things. My current priority project for SG-1 is Quiet Amid the Storms. It may be a good while yet before it's finished and ready to post, but I'm okay with that. On the SGA front, I'm working on a new fic that is a sort of AU for Rising. In it, John has ascended and the fic explores 5 ways he descended and ended up in Atlantis. I've finished three of the five ways and have a decent start on the fourth. Hopefully it will be showing up to a computer screen in front of you in the very near future! VS9 I've contributed two stories to the Virtual Season 9 project. "Of Masks and Shadows" is a slightly more Daniel-focused piece, though the whole team along with the SGC are also heavily involved. Very much an action/adventure story, "Of Masks and Shadows" revisits the Nick Ballard storyline, though Nick himself does not actually make an appearance. It's number three on the episode list. "Pride and Jaffa Prejudice" sees Ry'ac's life endangered by a radical group of Free Jaffa who want to see Teal'c leave the Tau'ri and take a more active role in the leadership on Dakara. Meanwhile, Jack has his hands full back at the SGC when Harry Maybourne calls with urgent news. This one is number twelve on the episode list. Both stories can be found here if you're interested: Here is a little hint of things to come: SGA "Mist of the Mourning Hills" finds the members of the Atlantis expedition struggling to cope with unexpected tragedy. As the premiere team tries to come to terms with what happened, some of them become withdrawn and moody, while others begin to question their very sanity. As a last-ditch effort to help them cope, they return to the scene of their worst nightmare--only to find the last thing they ever expected. --on hold "A Better Man" sees John's estranged father, who's been diagnosed with a terminal illness and pulled every last string he can to locate his son, paying an unannounced visit to the Pegasus Galaxy. Intending to set things right between them before it's too late, he finds some unexpected revelations and things don't quite go as planned. --on hold "Chasing the Red Wind" deals with the events of a trading mission gone wrong. Sheppard and Ronon are separated from Teyla and Rodney during a race back to the gate, under fire from the natives, of course. Will Atlantis be able to assemble a rescue team--and will they be in time to save the two soldiers from suffering a horrible and painful death? --on hold SG-1 "Quiet Amid the Storms" finds our beloved Colonel O'Neill at the center of a friendly fire incident. This one will be gen, though it's possible that a hint of S/J UST "Butterfly Wishes" finds the team getting into trouble with the natives offworld. This one will quite likely end up being on the shippy-side, though still UST. --on indefinite hold "When Heart and Soul Collide" is the title of my entry for the Jackfic-a-thon 2005. Yes, it's late. VERY late, for which I can't apologize nearly enough. Though I can't give you any details about the story at this time, I do have it plotted out. Now if the darn muse would just cooperate. --on hold And finally, thanks to all who have read my stories--and a very special, heartfelt "Thank you!" to all who have taken time to review. It's always wonderful to hear what people think of my stories--good or bad! --kat |