Author has written 4 stories for Once Upon a Time, and Star Wars. Hello, dear visitors! I guess this is the point where I should say "WELCOME"? so ... WELCOOOOOME!!! ;-) Before you go any further I should clarify that this is the place where all my obsessions meet, share a cup of tea and despair upon their variety. It's a little bit of everything, so consider yourselves warned and still very much in danger. As promised, we have a selection of Star Wars-related flailing (my ever-growing Favourites' list brings me such delight), occasional writing, and altogether too much reading. There is also a distinct and not so infrequent loss of my carefully cultivated chill over OQ fics, so that pretty much covers what's going on. You're still here? P.s I. Visions of Reality will be completed at some point and when the time comes I'll have to thank you all over again for being such amazing troopers and hanging in there, during this very long pause. P.s II. I just wanted to state that a) I do not own any of the lovely characters of whom I am writing in these stories & b) the cover photos I've used are not owned by me. I just love them deeply and utterly and so so much! |
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