Author has written 10 stories for Gilmore Girls. Pen name : four51, why? because it rolls off the tongue. Just came into my head one night. Story overviews : One shots are one shots. Maybe later I'll elaborate, make a full story about it. I guess I just get little scenes in my head and I have no idea why or when the scene is, it just... is, I guess. I've got other stories to worry about, and I might get back to the one shots later, after I've finished the stories I need to finish. It's Alright, Baby : I had a whole plot to this... I do remember some of it. I just don't know... if it's worth it. I started it a long time ago. I don't remember where I was going with it. It is a Trory, I know that. Ha. Like all my stories. I don't do anyone else well. I could try Jess, but I can't write him. He's too... I don't know. Tough. He's too tough to write. Physically and mentally, literally and metaphorically. Tristan is just a little easier to write. And I like the plots I can build around Tristan and Rory more than Jess and Rory. But out of all the couples on the show... I would choose Jess and Rory to be together. Does that make any sense? Anyways, I don't know when this one is going to get done. Maybe after I finish some of my others. Like, Styrofoam Plates : (love this song, by the way, by Death Cab For Cutie) I didn't even remember this story until tonight. Kind of similar to Somewhere Only We Know but more... non-innocent in the fact that her boyfriend didn't deserve it. Anyway, just read it through again. Don't remember where I was going with it at all. But hopefully I'll have a plot by the end of Rush of Blood to the Head. Maybe not. Maybe I'll just delete this one and It's Alright, Baby. I probably won't complete them like I completed... Traveling Soldier : complete. Not one of my best stories, I guess... now that I look back on it. But then again, we all have to grow and get better right? Speaking of... Somewhere Only We Know : My best story to date. Well, at least I think. I've gotten a few "bomb" reviews. Oh well, what's good without the bad, right? I love the story line to this. Once I become a novelist, I'm going to use this plot. Change the names, the place, everything else, except for the plot. I'm going to expand, make it better. But I love it. I love the story. I probably won't write the sequal when I'm a novelist like I did with A Rush of Blood to the Head : Like I just said, sequal to SOWK. I don't really like it all that much, not to shoot it down or anything. I don't think it's... finished. I got really bored with it. I am bored with it still, that's why I can't work on it presently. I finished it, but it doesn't feel like it was a right spot to stop. Anyways. Maybe I'll put up an epilogue or something later on, just to tie it all together. Steadier Footing : This is a oneshot. It's pretty much the closest to a fluffy story as I'll get. laugh I do like it. I love the Death Cab for Cutie song. A Lack of Color : I love, love, love the story line. I got the idea off a paragraph in one book I read a long time ago. I really like it. Seems everyone else likes it too. Yay! Anyways, I put out chapters like nobody's business. It's just because I was so excited to get to the good parts. Boats and Birds : One of my present stories. Sequal to ALOC. I love the story line so much, and am dedicated to it, but I haven't been updating it as much as I should because I've been so blocked. But believe me, I will update and continue because I just hate the ending to ALOC. Goodbye, My Almost Lover : My other present story. I love love love this story line and am so excited. I know I've not updated for a while, but I'm almost done with the fifth chapter. I only need to write three more pages to reach my goal of ten pages. Here's a teaser: A new boy enters the scene. I don't know if that's going to mean anything yet, but it's a possibility. Just keep it in mind. Fifth chapter should be up in the next couple of days. Well, that's all my stories. I really do hope you like the final outcome. Last updated: 20 April 2008 |
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