Author has written 15 stories for Doctor Who, and Harry Potter. I've had a fanfiction account for over two years, but the thought just occurred to me to make a profile to go alone with it. So hello! I'm Aubreena, if you hadn't already guessed. While that's not my real name, it's the name I use for everything. If you look up "Aubreena" in the writer's column, that's also me, but for whatever reason, Fanfiction told me the account no longer existed, even though all the stories are still there. Anyways, if you come across someone named Aubreena, or Aubreena Green, somewhere, there's a good chance that's me. The reason I use it: my internet friend from, like, five years ago had the pen name "Aubreena Green". The name is in no way related to me, my name, or my life. I just like it. I feel like I should have a longer intro, but I'm just going to dive right into my fandoms and ships. Fandoms I belong to: (in no particular order) Harry Potter (Obviously, it's really hard nowadays to find someone who ISN'T in the HP fandom) Sherlock (Bonkyhort Cookybrunch has my heart! Any Sherlockians reading this will know exactly who I'm talking about) Doctor Who (DAVID TENNANT FOREVER! I love Eccleston and Smith, too, but DT has my heart. And don't hate on me because I haven't seen the classics; I don't know where to find them for free) Merlin (I swear I watch more than just British television) Dance Academy (Told you! It's Australian!) Gilmore Girls Hunger Games (YASSSS) Divergent Warriors Series of Unfortunate Events Sister's Grimm Buffy the Vampire Slayer (I mean, come on) An Unfortunate Fairy Tale Heartland (Go Canada!) Glee! How I Met Your Mother Big Bang Theory ICarly! Victorious Casanova (The one starring David Tennant) Dr Horrible's Sing-Along Blog (What more could you want from life than this?) I know there's more than just those, and I'll probably add more to the list later, but as you can see, I have a lot of time on my hands. SHIPS! Harry Potter: Fred/Hermione - OTP!!! Harry/Ginny Ron/Hermione George/Hermione Draco/Hermione (Hermione's getting a lot of love xD) Neville/Luna Snape/Lilly James/Lilly Lockhart/Himself George/Angelina Sherlock John/Sherlock John/Mary Sherlock/Molly Mycroft/Cake Doctor Who Rose/Ten Martha/Mickey Jack/Everything with a pulse (and without) Amy/Rory River/Eleven Merlin Merlin/Freya Arthur/Guinevere Merlin/Morgana (before she became evil) Dance Academy Tara/Christian Tara/Ben Ethan/Abigail Abigail/Sammy Sammy/Ollie Kat/Jamie Kat/Myles Gilmore Girls Rory/Dean Lorelai/Luke Hunger Games Gale/Katniss Peeta/Katniss Gale/Madge Cato/Clove Divergent Tris/Tobias Will/Christina Marlene/Uriah Zeke/Shauna Warriors Feathertail/Crowpaw Crowfeather/Leafpool Graystripe/Silverstream Graystripe/Millie Brambleclaw/Squirrelflight Dovepaw/Tigerheart Firestar/Sandstorm Dustpelt/Ferncloud Sister's Grimm Puck/Sabrina Buffy the Vampire Slayer Buffy/Spike Buffy/Angel Willow/Tara Willow/Oz Willow/Xander Xander/Cordelia Giles/Olivia Xander/Anya An Unfortunate Fairy Tale Mina/Jared Charlie/Nan (as siblings, not really romantic) Nan/Brody Heartland AMY/TY Malorie/Jake Malorie/Badger Tim/Lisa Lou/Scott Amy/Chase (sort of) Glee There's way too many to list, I pretty much just ship everyone with everyone How I Met Your Mother Ted/Victoria Robin/Barney Lily/Marshall (obviously) Ted/Stella I'm just going to stop there, because for the other fandoms that I'm in, it's pretty much just anyone who's already together. Follow me on Tumblr!!! Allonsy-Forever I would love you forever!!! Feel free to message me anytime! I'll take any requests if you want me to write a fic or something for one of the ships that I listed above, or one that I didn't mention. I can also write a non-romantic story, if you so desire. Just PM me to let me know you exist!!! Well, goodbye to anyone who took the time to read this!!! |
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