Author has written 86 stories for StarTrek: Enterprise, Stargate: SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis, House, M.D., Dresden Files, Supernatural, NCIS, and Star Trek: 2009. 5-21-09 Wow, so it's been a while! If you've been reading the profile page you're probably thinking I dropped off the face of the Earth (when in fact, I haven't, though I have often thought maybe it wasn't such a bad idea). So bottom line, I'm still here, I still write, I do post mostly on my Livejournal. I've often neglected and I apologize to those of you who only follow me from this source. I still write SGA stories, though they've become far less frequent. If you are here because of my recent Trek stories, stick around, I'm totally infatuated with this new movie (and all the possibilities). I'm very bad about replying to reviews. I do far better at my journal, but even there I've been known to get lazy. I appreciate, more than I can say, that you all read my work, and I appreciate it even more when a reader can take the time to leave a comment or two. I do my best with trying to reply but...well, I won't insert a bazillion excuses. I just suck. So, yeah, new resolution, try harder to reply! Thanks for hanging with me! ~kodiak |
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