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Author has written 32 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, and Yu Yu Hakusho. "All I know is that I know nothing." - Socrates Updates - My missing fics will not be reposted. No, they are not being "revamped" for publication. I simply think it's time to move on. - I am officially retired from fanfiction. I repeat. I AM RETIRED FROM FANFICTION. I HAVE BEEN FOR YEARS. SO KNOCK IT OFF WITH THE HATE MAIL ALREADY. I AM RETIRED. Take a look at the original publication date of the stories. Read the summaries, since sometimes they actually say things like "discontinued" in them. I AM RETIRED. I AM RETIRED. I AM RETIRED. Please see way below for USAGE / RE-POSTING / TRANSLATING rules. - As a young writer, I made some foolish mistakes and idiotic comments. I am truly sorry. I have made amends with some of you, and I am grateful that we've been able to do that. Some of you I haven't. What I have to say is this: don't do what I did. Art is art, and even if someone's expression of art doesn't fit what you think art should be--even on the grammar/content front--it doesn't mean you need to trash it. I learned that lesson the hard way, and the older I get, the more I regret it. - Keep writing. Always. In the face of adversity, in the face of BNAs who think they're hot stuff, in the face of your own demons. You'll get better. You'll be amazing. All you need is a little hard work, and you'll see the results! If you love it, do it! - I see that some of you are saying some very lovely things about my fics on tumblr. You're amazing!! - I still read all of your reviews and lovely messages every now and then. Thank you so much! - I miss my regular readers and favorite authors. I miss chatting with you all over emails, AIM, MSN, and some of you over the phone. I miss the fan-art. I miss the community. Fans, you've made me feel loved and appreciated, and this community is truly lucky to have folks like you out there. USAGE / REPOSTING / TRANSLATING: Do not re-post any of my fictions elsewhere on the internet, nor share them. All links must lead back to this FFN account. Sadly, I won't be going back and editing some of the grammar and typos in the fics either. I am a much better writer now with a better grasp of all the rules and such, but all fics will remain as is. I don't want to give anyone false hope. Kietsu-trad has translated a piece of mine into French here. I have given them permission to translate anything they want to. So that said, here is my translation policy: YOU HAVE MY PERMISSION TO TRANSLATE MY WORK INTO ANY LANGUAGE. YOU CAN ONLY POST IT HERE ON FFN OR ON ARCHIVE OF OUR OWN, NO WHERE ELSE, SORRY! FULL CREDIT AND A LINK BACK TO THE ORIGINAL STORY MUST BE GIVEN. PLEASE MESSAGE ME OR LEAVE A REVIEW ON THE STORY YOU ARE TRANSLATING TO NOTIFY ME. I DO NOT CHECK THIS ACCOUNT OFTEN, SO I WOULD PREFER A RECORD HERE ON THE WEBSITE. This is the only exception to posting and re-posting I will give. No scrubbing and find/replacing for ebook/traditional publication. I will find it and take legal action. |
Agent Dark Moose (8) danceDANCEdance (10) Fuzzy Eared (7) Gavr3el (75) Kaleyanne (81) little-miss-moe (21) | MangaMamma (36) Prosopopeia (16) Raining Petals (2) Rubeous (0) | Threepwillow (62) TwilightArc (3) Umi no Oni (3) Windswift (146) Yami no Kokoro (16) |