![]() Author has written 25 stories for Harry Potter, and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. These are all stories that I have written for Harry Potter. Anything chronologically before Courtship is pre-OoTP (one or too might be just pre HBP), so backstory might be way wrong. Coincidence and Untitled are drabbles that I rather like but be warned they were written with 100 word count in mind and will not have elaboration. Why Does It Rain On Knockturn Alley and Terry Boot were my two early attempts at epic chaptered fics. As you can see, they are abandoned but I still think some of the chapters were clever. Reweaving Fates Tapestry - Completely wrong on time travel, backstory, how to defeat Voldemort but I like the AUs and might, might, one day actually finish it. Garrick Randolph and The Moon is Made of Cheese are both Marauder era oneshots that were written before OoTP that I still rather enjoy despite innacuracy. Terrence Higgs is a second year oneshot that is for some reason my most favorited story. I might return to it and redo parts that make me see how much I think I've improved writing-wise since then. Mary Sue Snape is not to be taken seriously. It is intentional badfic, so don't expect anything like any of my other stuff. Gee Auror Moody is my one trip into filk. It was quite fun. On Loyalty was my attempt at having Snape and Peter talk to eachother. It might be more ambitious in concept than the execution. My favorite is the second story. Regret is now AU but I still like it quite a bit. The Charter of the Board of Governors- probably to short, I was being way to Percyish when I set out to write something that dry. My new fic I think is better stuff than the old fic (though that might just be wishful thinking. They have a tendency to center around Severus Snape. I have a couple things half finished saved that might come out and I might randomly get attacked by a bunny (or one of the bunnies stuck in my head will finally cooperate and let itself be written). Please review, I am starting to get the impression that reviewing is down in the fandom and that is rather sad. Blowing in the Wind is my only current non-HP fic and I still like it even if it is short. Harry Potter Survivor has been deleted because I did not like it. All images on covers were said to be public domain by the web source. Review the stories. |