Author has written 3 stories for Harry Potter. IT'S HERE!! THE TRACK OF A STORM: TAKE TWO Featuring NEW plotlines, MORE romances (both of the James/Lily variety and the puppyslash sort, among others), BETTER grammar, BETTER characterization, BETTER writing...pretty much just better everything, really. ALSO rated M, in honor of all the wonderful new writing. Yay! (It truly is very different than the original. Entire chapters rewritten/entirely new chapters altogether, a ton of new plotlines, much better, cleaner writing all around...if you're not put off by the puppy slash or higher rating then PLEASE do check it out!'s here! On , under the title Track of a Storm and the author name Lady Taliesin. Check it out, and review :) That would be very awesome, and I would love you much :) Also, if any of you have any other fansites besides you'd like to see it on, message me and I'll see what I can do :) Updates will be more-or-less weekly--I'm only going to have internet sporadically over the summer, especially during July, but I am going to try my very best. Right. I think that's it, so please read it, and please review! Thanks ever so much :) AND NOW, THE PROFILE: An eighteen year old USA-ian who is as completely delighted that it is finally summer as it is possible to be. Obsessed with Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Sherlock Holmes, Good Omens, House MD, Supernatural, and various other things which it would be entirely too tedious to list here. Will one day be a scandalously rich author with a delicious grasp of humor and a quite singular talent for prose, but at the moment am settling for the wonderful world of fanfiction and a thankless career as a soon-to-be college freshman. NEXT, THE FICS: Death is Nothing - Finished, but I don't advise you read it. Simply put, it would fall into the "Very Worst Writing Ever to See the Light of Day" category. The only reason it's still up here is because (and don't ask me why) some people actually seemed to enjoy it. Scary, I know. TwoWay Mirrors - On an indefinite hiatus, for two reasons - one, because it would fall into roughly the same category as "Death is Nothing", and two, because I've lost interest. I'm pretty sure I'll get around to finishing it eventually, though...eventually... The Track of a Storm- Done, revised, read the new version :) It'll soon be available on . AND, FINALLY, THE LINKS: http:///artchive/t/tintoretto/tintoretto_herm.jpg (link to the picture Snape and Lucius discuss in chapter 16 of Track of a Storm) http:///albums/f218/missblackpotter/?action=view¤t=potheat.jpg (link to the wonderfully adorable and cute picture that the amazing and talented MissBlackPotter was kind enough to draw for me. After you have seen it and marvelled sufficiently, make sure you check out the rest of her pictures and then go read her stories here on ff(dot)net. All amazing.) o o o o o o o o o (AND, OF COURSE, THE GRATITIOUS AND ENTIRELY UNNECESSARY Fanfiction! Quote of the Most Recent Update): Out in the garden things were getting busy. Gandalf and Cirdan were heading towards the boating lake carrying a Louis XIV writing desk and an Edwardian hat stand. Pippin was in the process of seducing Barbara the chambermaid, using up some of his best chat up lines. “Has anybody ever told ye ye’v got great knockers?” Lady Alyssa and Random Dent, Bagenders |