Author has written 25 stories for Harry Potter, Lost, Smallville, X-Men: The Movie, House, M.D., West Wing, and Gilmore Girls. ...once upon a time is how it always goes but i'll make it brief... wise words, ms. mann, andi shall keep it brief. michelle. college student. writer. dreamer. insomniac. doesn't believe in deadlines. talks in sing-song. reads too much. watches too many old movies. behaves a bit like an old woman. and finds nothing wrong with that. my fictious heroes: esther greenwood. dagny taggart. holly golightly. scarlett o'hara. bellatrix black. jo march. dominique francon. marla singer. margot tenenbaum. clarissa dalloway. alice ayres. mia wallace. amelie poulain. here we go again: oh, it's the summertime. which means i have upwards of three months off where my sole responsibility is to not bore myself to death. that said, it's writing time again. a 12 step program should be completed soon. chapter 10 is giving me problems, but 11 and 12 are as good as done, so i just need to muddle through this and the story should be completed. i started a new WIP - stare decisis - and here's to hoping i make good headway with that. and that's it. for now. who knows what else may pop up. love to all and thanks for reviewing. update two more chapters left of 12 step and i am in the middle of chapter two of stare decisis. i'm aiming for end of the week with stare decisis, but we'll see. i also started two other stories, a lost one as well as a grey's anatomy one, and yeah, we'll just see when those happen. tres importante: i have a livejournal now where i'll be posting all my fic as well as updates, AND (as an exciting kicker) some fanart to correspond with some of the stories. please, do visit and enjoy. merci. |