Author has written 82 stories for Song of the Lioness, Trickster series, Protector of the Small Quartet, Chanters of Tremaris Trilogy, Star Wars, New Jedi Order, To Kill a Mockingbird, Immortals, Tamora Pierce, Ranger's Apprentice, Harry Potter, Deltora Quest, Inheritance Cycle, Alex Rider, Doctor Who, Firefly, Robin Hood BBC, Sea Patrol, NCIS, Stargate: Atlantis, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Avengers, Once Upon a Time, Hunger Games, Misc. Books, Avatar: Last Airbender, Tangled, Spider-Man, Bones, How to Train Your Dragon, X-Men: The Movie, The Tomorrow series, Warehouse 13, Brave, 2012, Tron, Inception, Pokémon, Castle, and Guardians of the Galaxy.
Former Penname: DaydreamQueenMisha
Current Primary Fanfic Obsessions:
Guardians of the Galaxy, NCIS: Los Angeles, Veronica Mars, Harry Potter, Tamora Pierce (Tortall)
Secondary/Former Fanfic Interests:
Alex Rider, Avengers, Bones, Castle, Chanters of Tremaris, Deltora Quest, Downton Abbey, Eva Ibbotson's work (Secret Countess, Journey to the River Sea), Firefly, Inheritance Saga, Iron Man, Lord of the Rings, NCIS, Numb3rs, Once Upon a Time, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Pirates of the Caribbean, Ranger’s Apprentice, Robin Hood BBC, Rosanne Hawke's work, Sally Lockhart, Sea Patrol, Star Wars, Stargate SG1/Atlantis), Tron.
Simply Put: Will read fics on almost any fandoms I've been exposed to, even if I never write anything for that fandom.
Personal Details:
Occupation: Vet Surgeon! (Miracle of Miracles! I graduated! Now to find a job...)
Religous Beliefs: Christian - Lutheran. This is important to me. Please respect it. (Also, please to not assume it equals straight-laced narrow-mindedness. You're just showing your own prejudice then.)
Other hobbies: Procrastinating. Nature Photography. The odd original story now and then. Sci-Fi/Fantasy movies/books/tv.
Reviews: If I fave your story, I intend to write you a review. It may be a while in coming, but it is my intention to give meaningful reviews. If I don't like it because I feel it is giving FF.N a bad name, I will likely give you concrit. How harsh I am will depend on what crimes against literature you have committed, and possibly how desperate I am for a good new fic (If I take out a bad day on you, I apologize in advance).
What to expect in my stories: Introspection appears fairly often, and I like a bit of drama (not overdone though). Often hints of romance will creep in, I usually avoid out and out fluff though. A couple of ventures into humour.
Writing Status:
My muse has abandoned me from lack of use, I fear! (But I will endeavour to return!)
I am also incapable of sticking to a single fandom. I'm such a fandom whore. As can be seen by the number of categories I've written in... Damn my short attention span! And Shiny things various people keep introducing me to! Gah!
UPDATE Jan 2015: Over a year off writing, and still no job. But I'm finally getting my ass back into gear after... well... quietly falling apart by the end of uni. :/ Future Vet Student of the World: This is your warning, it can (and does) suck your soul away at times. Don't ignore it.
But yeah, starting to write again, getting applications out... things are on the up. But the writing will probably go way down again when I do get work. But I'll deal with that when I get to it.
Fave Characters to Play With/Or Read:
Star Wars: Jysella Horn, Naberrie family, Antilles family, Rogue Squadron, Siri Tachi, Bant Eerin, Garen Muln.
Tortall: Kel, Dom, Neal. Baird. Queen's Riders/King's Own.
Harry Potter: White sheep of the Black family (Tonks family, Sirius, Remus, Black Sisters). Muggle perspectives.
Stargate Atlantis: McKay-Miller Family.
Generally in these and other Fandoms: Characters I feel are underwritten and/or forgotten. (Or they won't leave me alone)
Collection of Quotes:
"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside a dog, it's too dark to read."
– Groucho Marx
"Writers would be warm, loyal, and otherwise terrific people- if only they'd stop writing."
– Laura Miller
”Books are my oxygen. Stories are my carbon dioxide.”
"Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken."
"He was stupid. If I killed everyone who was stupid, I wouldn’t have time to sleep."
- Alanna of Trebond, In The Hand Of The Goddess (Tortall)
“The fact remains that [Voldemort] can move faster than Severus Snape confronted with shampoo when he wants to.”
- Lee Jordan, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
"Sometimes, I miss my sanity."
- Wedge Antilles, Star Wars
"Pyschic though? That sounds like something outta science fiction."
"You live in a spaceship, dear."
- Hoban 'Wash' Washburn and Zoe Washburn, Firefly (1x14, Objects in Space)
(Sips tea) "Blech! This tea is nothing more than hot leaf juice!"
"Uncle, that's what all tea is."
- Iroh and Zuko, Avatar:TLA, 2x14 City of Walls & Secrets
"The next person, or horse, who calls me the 'wine dude' will end up in a bottle of Merlot!"
- Mr D (Dionysus), The Titan's Curse (PJO #3)
Looking relieved in front of the staff was like waving a red flag with the words 'come on, you can't hit me' at a bull with perfect aim and sharpened horns. You just didn't do it unless you wanted pain.
– Miss Cam's Second Year at the Official Fanfiction University of Middle-earth
Random Quirks About Fanfiction:
- NEVER forget the so-called ‘background characters’, they are gold.
- Canon is canon. Either work with it, or have a plausible/decent explanation as to why it’s different. (Not that I don’t like well-written AU’s.)
- (If you're working with a divergent canon, make sure to tell people where your divergence took place!)
- Villains aren’t born evil. It has to be learnt.
- I like Fangirling characters just as much as the next person, but there are lines that should not be crossed, yeah?
- Notes should never interrupt a story. It just makes you look like a self-important idiot, on top of making for a jarring reading experience.
- If you have a non-canon ship, please have a plausible explanation for it. See note above about canon-divergence)
- ...That said, please ship and let ship. Respect that different people like different ships. Or prefer gen stories to shippy fic. Refrain from ship-bashing please.
- Please refrain from defacing any Marauder by OOC-ness and lame jokes or pure random stupidity. Same with Tonks, or Rogue Squadron. (Or any character.) Write them good and in character or not at all.
- On that note, make sure ALL of the characters are in character. Nothing is worse than an in character protagonist(s) that's well rounded dealing with a two dimensional, OOC antagonist(s).
- When writing a fic, please stick to using the technology/language of the time the story is set in. (This is for all the ‘Marauders IMing’ stories. They were at Hogwarts in the 1970’s people! Computers weren’t around then, let alone internet! And they can’t use electricity either at Hogwarts!)
- Chat format. You do realise that it’s meant to be banned on this website... with good reason...
- Chatspeak. Worst mangling of the English language. Ever.
- If I add you to my faves/alert lists or C2, I will review eventually. At least, I always try to.
- Character Bashing: Not a fan. If you don’t like a character, fine. Don’t read about them. You don’t have to malign them at every opportunity, you know. Other people who do like them just get irritated.
- There's this marvellous invention known as 'spellcheck'. Please use it. (to escape embarrassment). And especially learn the correct spelling for characters names... (Next time I see Lily Potter spelt as 'Lilly', I will burn something.)
- Pay attention to formatting. It doesn't matter if you have the best plot in the world if the formatting makes my eyes bleed.
- Please, pick a perspective and stick to it. Switching perspectives too often just confuses people. (Also if you need to proclaim in all caps 'CHARACTER X's POV' all the time, you are doing it wrong.)
- Kudos to all writers who carefully research facts before writing! Adds so much to the depth of the story!
- The Sirius-serious joke is not funny anymore. Move on. Find new material.
- I don't like Twilight. That is not a crime, you know. Do Not Flame. If you want a mocking, I can send you to the Anti-Twilight Club. I respect that some people enjoy it for a simple escapism thing, but it is no literary masterpiece. My main issue lies with the unhealthy relationships it promotes, and the messages inside it.
- When making OC’s, please think twice about naming your character something like ‘Bella’. I don’t care if you idolise Bella Swan, think up your own damn name! And the sight of ‘creative spellings’ or names of gemstones make me run for the hills.
- Crossovers: Weird, wonderful and delightfully unusual is my reading preference. Buffy/Numb3rs, Avengers/Percy Jackson, NCIS/Harry Potter, Stargate/Gilmore Girls, etc. Yes, I’m being serious. Try out some unusual crossover combinations, you never know what you’ll find!
- Don't beg for reviews. No. Just no.
- Use the damn character (and pairing) categories! They were put there to help people find your story, use it! (you're hurting your own viewership by ignoring it). I understand if you haven't gotten round to updating it on your old stories, but if you've posted a story since they became more uniform across the site without character/pairing categories? YOU ARE AN ANNOYING IDIOT.
- (If you cross-post to AO3, Over-tagging is not your friend. If I see a never-ending list of tags, I scroll straight past...)
- If you are thinking about deleting a story of yours: Stop. Rethink. Especially if there are still people who have faves/follows still on it. Just because you think it's not up to scratch, or you'll never finish that WIP, doesn't mean that someone doesn't want to read it! It's a horrible, horrible feeling to go looking for that fic you loved, only to have it disappear into the digital ether forever.
Status of my Incomplete Stories...
Star Wars:
Shattered Glass – (Revenge of the Sith era) Naberrie family short story and the effects that RotS has on their lives. 3 of 4 chapters posted. TF.N WFFA 05/06 Saga Best Drama nominee and Best Canon qualifier. ON HIATUS INDEFINITELY
Justification – (Intertrilogy) Wedge Antilles short story. Drama. 1 of 4-5 chapters posted. ON HIATUS INDEFINITELY
A Father’s Pain – (2 yrs post Lady Knight) Short story done mainly from the perspective of Piers and Ilane. 2 of 5 chapters posted. Transcribing diary entries for chapter 3. ON HIATUS INDEFINITELY
Harry Potter:
Take My Hand – (Pre-Marauder to post-HBP) Andromeda/Ted Tonks vig series. 6 of 30 posted. Working on chapter 7/Revising plan due to Deathly Hallows. ON HIATUS.
Fracture Patterns (Immediately post-Battle of Hogwarts) Gryffindor yearmates. 3 of 8 posted. (Seamus, Dean, Lavender) Working on chapter 4. ON HIATUS
Percy Jackson and the Olympians:
Delusional – (Post-TLO AU) Disregards Lost Hero. Chapter 1 of ? posted. Working on chapter 2. ON HIATUS.
Robin Hood (BBC TV):
Secrets and Lies(Pre-series) Robin/Marian. 4 of 6(?) chapters posted. Working on chapter 4. ON HIATUS
Other Fandoms:
Cloak and Dagger – (Ranger’s Apprentice, Misc. Books. Multiple times) Series of vigs on various characters/situations. 2 chapters posted (Cassandra-Evanlyn, Halt and Gilan, Halt). Planning Vig 4. ON HIATUS.
The Jedi Council forums - Star Wars Site, feel free to join the boards, be careful though, you can get lost.
FictionPress - My works of orignal fiction.
Ramblings of the Strange - My Tumblr. Fandom funnies, Rankings and lists of both fic and fandom varieties, vettish humour...