Author has written 4 stories for Silmarillion.
I am Archiac Scribe, an old soul from days that belong well in the past...
Through my words, may the history of Lady Haleth live on as I
transcribe her story from past to present. Let us be inspired by the
struggles and victories she shares with her people, the Folk of Haleth.
I am a fan of stories that concentrate on elements found in Norse
mythology, alas, these are too rare. The Haladin, with customs
strange to other races of Middle-earth, even among their own race and
kin, are explained in these stories of Haleth.
May the mother of all nature spirits bless these tales and bring to the
modern world understanding, knowledge, and a kinder light in warm
regard to her gifts. Let those among the modern Atani who now toss away
her boon as rubbish to be discarded, used, emptied of life's breath, gain wisdom and stay the destructive action of their hand.
May Yavanna, or Freya, as she is called among the Haladin, bestow her blessings upon you, dear reader.