![]() Author has written 11 stories for Gundam Wing/Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball Z/Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon, Kingdom Hearts, Inuyasha, Harry Potter, Charmed, and Pitch Black / Riddick. Hey Everyone!I decided my bio. was well not a bio. So I decided to give you one. Nickname: Shadow, Zero, Angel and Adria Age: 30 D.O.B.: 1-12 Favorite Subject: English... so what if I failed English I Hon. twice? Least Favorite Subject: Math and P.E. Favorite Food: Pizza and (Chicken)Tacos! Now for the important stuff: Favorite Anime(s):InuyashaYu Yu HakushoSailor MoonGundam WingDragon Ball Z Favorite Book(s): Laurell K Hamilton's Anita Blake SeriesHarry Potter 1-4 haven't finished 5 yetWitch in Blackbeard Pond... I think that's what it's called. Favorite Pairing(s): Inuyasha: Sess/KagNaraku/KagHiten/Kag (so what if I never actually finished reading one!)Miroku/KagBasically anyone that isn't Inu or Kouga. Don't get me wrong I like them but well not for Kag. YYH: Hiei/KuramaKurama/Botan Sailor Moon:Usagi with anyone that isn't Rei, Mamoru, or Seiya Gundam Wing: Hiiro/Trowa Dragon Ball Z: Vegeta/Pan... I like odd Harry Potter:Harry/Siri (I happen to look over that fact that he is Harry's Godfather)Harry/RemusHarry/SnapeHarry/ well Harry anyone that isn't Hermione, Ron, Cho, Ginny... unless the chick is made up if not Harry doesn't belong with a girl. Crossovers:GW/SM: Hiiro/UsaTrowa/UsaWufei/UsaTrieze/UsaMilli/Usa DBZ/SM: Gohan/UsaGoku/UsaVeggie/Usa LOTR/SM: Strider(Aragorn)/Usa HP/SM: Siri/UsaRemy/UsaHarry/Usa (though not as much as the others)Sev/UsaJames/Usa (Haven't ever seen one but it sounds promising!) X-MenE/SM: Scott/UsaKurt/UsaGambit(Remy)/UsaLogan/Usa As you can see I love Usagi centered fics! Inu/YYH: Yusuke/KagHiei/KagKurama/Kag I like Kagome centered ones too! Characters I don't really like:KikyoRelenaDorothyKeiko (Dun know why either) Favorite Charaters:Harry PotterSirius BlackLucius MalfoySeverus SnapeRemus LupinTom Riddle (the young one... evil... hehe)Usagi TsukinoYusuke UrameshiDraco MalfoyKagome HigurashiAragorn Jax Teller Opie Winston Happy Lowman Tig Trager Juice Ortiz Filip Telford Favorite Color(s) (I just remembered!): BLACK! Purple. Silver. Blood Red. Royal Blue. Midnight Blue. Gold. Well that's all for now! I hope you enjoy my stories and check out my favorite stories. Today is December 2nd, 2006. On the way to work my mom told me something very interesting. She said, "Life's too short to be normal." |