Author has written 30 stories for Harry Potter, Star Trek: 2009, Red Rising Trilogy, StarTrek: Voyager, and Star Trek: Discovery.
I'm tomfooleryprime on tumblr and AO3.
My Star Trek stories in chronological order:
Amanda/Sarek series:
1. The Serendipity Paradox
2. How to Date a Vulcan and Protocols for Human Courtship
3. Interlude
4. Then Comes After
5. Amanda Explains
6. What to Expect When Amanda's Expecting
7. A Vulcan Heart
8. Ambassador Sarek and the Terrible Twos
9. Dog Ears
Spock's First Week
Spock/Uhura series:
1. Seventy-Four Hours Later
2. An Algorithm for Dating
3. Spock and the Bodice Ripper
4. Your Turn
5. Vulcan Ghost Stories
6. Seventy-Four More Hours Later
7. Traditions in Confectionary Engineering
8. A Necklace's Story
That Which We Are
Other Stories that Don't Fit Above
1. Speed Dating
2. Love, Unrequited
3. Meet Me on Sunday
4. No Winter Lasts Forever
5. Tomorrow's Enterprise
6. That Night in J Dormitory
7. Between Now and Eternity
8. Velek and Mavis Go on an Adventure