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Joined 10-13-14, id: 6201432, Profile Updated: 01-14-20
Author has written 3 stories for Frozen.

I've never considered myself a good writer, just a vivid dreamer. I'm also a midwest farmer. Which means I have plenty of time to daydream. Just not a lot of time to relax and write. I always have ideas but most are fragmented and in pieces. However, the story I had in my head for Frozen 2 was near complete, and I always kind of wanted to write one of my ideas down. My sister suggested this place and I decided, what the heck, it couldn't do any harm. So once I completed the story, I joined. For those of you interested, I started writing Frozen 2 around January 15, 2014; about 5 days after I saw the movie Frozen.

As I was thinking of the story, it had always appealed to me to put individuals with the powers of fire and ice together in a relationship. It first occurred to me when I saw the cartoon series "Spider-man and his Amazing Friends". It occurred to me when Iceman asked Spider-man why he did not ask Firestar to go out on a date. Iceman said he didn't ask her out because fire and ice don't mix. Ever since then, I never bought into that concept. I always thought that such a pairing would be a challenge, but I also saw that there would be quite a bit of fun too. However, I never put that concept into a story.

Then "Frozen" came along and the idea resurfaced. So I started to think of how I would put Elsa with a guy that has the powers over fire. Of course there had to be a confrontation between fire and ice, but I couldn't see the potential boyfriend being the antagonist. So I came up with another individual with the powers of fire. However, they couldn't be related because their attitude towards Elsa were going to be different. I thought that having two people with such powers was going to be a bit much; but as the story kept developing, it seemed to be working out OK. Of course since Elsa had made Olaf, I thought that the boyfriend should have a magical creature as well. I thought that a bird made of fire would fit well. Something small that would be able to travel well. Plus, its small size had the advantage of being able to hide more easily.

Once I had the characters in mind, I had to find a way to use them. The first scene that came to mind was about the potential boyfriend saving Elsa. Since his powers were that of fire, he had to save her from snow and ice. So I came up with a scenario where Elsa would be threatened by snow and ice. With that scene set, I had to think of the time of year in which it would happen. I thought of winter, but having people travel during the winter did not seem right. It had to be a time where travel would be more likely. That only left fall and spring. I didn't like fall because it would be a gloomier time of year. So that only left spring.

As I had the time of year set, I had to think of how I would introduce Elsa to her potential boyfriend. I knew that the two men of fire had to come from outside of Arendelle, but how would they know about Elsa. Being what they are, they would try to conceal themselves from others. This means that they would not be getting a lot of news. So someone had to tell them about Elsa. The problem was who. It had to be someone who disliked Elsa; and there were only two individuals in the movie, Prince Hans and the Duke of Weselton. I first thought Prince Hans, but he seemed to be more of a hands on type. I thought that would interfere with the strain that I saw developing between the two men with the magic of fire. That only left the Duke of Weselton. With the Duke chosen, I then thought of a scenario where the Duke would want to do harm to Elsa.

The biggest problem that I had in developing the story was how I was going to use Olaf. For me, it seemed like he was going to be an impossible character for me to write for. I had trouble seeing how I was going to use him in the story. Initially, I was going to use a young boy as the person who was going to connect the potential boyfriend to Arendelle. However, as I was trying to figure out how I was going to use Olaf, it occurred to me. Olaf was sort of a child. Maybe he could work in the position of the young boy. As I thought about Olaf in this position, the story seemed to improve in my head. The snowman seemed to add just the right twist, and that got me more determined to pursue an attempt at writing it.

Initially, I was only going to write it for myself. However, when my sister found out that I was writing it, she suggested that I post it online. I was initially reluctant to post it online, but I decided that I need to change the way that I do things. So I finally decided why not.

There were times while I was writing Frozen 2 that I wondered why I was doing this. It was not like anything was ever going to come of it, and it was taking up a lot of time. Not to mention that I ran into points in the story where I had difficulty transitioning to one part of the story to another part. There was also the fact that I was reluctant to share my idea. If I kept it to myself, it would always belong to me; but if I shared it, it would not exactly be mine anymore. It is a fault that I have. Finally, I know that my writing style is not very good and most likely will never truly improve.

One of the things I used to motivate myself to continue work on Frozen 2 was actually the song "Let It Go". I watched the move clip of the song over a dozen times while I was writing the first half of the story. When I got over half way, the only motivation I needed was to see to the completion of the story. I also used "Let It Go" to help convince me to post Frozen 2.

I've continued my Frozen 2 story with a Frozen 3. I call it "Fire Demon's Curse". If I really was determined, I have ideas for a Frozen 4 and a Frozen 5. I am wondering if my Frozen 3 is a little too disjointed. Simply put, I am not satisfied with that story.

OK, so I have heard that they are making Frozen 2. I wonder what their story idea is. Based on some of my reviews, I wonder if they might be playing around with my idea; but is my story even good enough to be considered. Off hand I would say no, but there is always that nagging glimmer of hope. I've kept it suppressed though. I've got more important things to worry about than a silly story. If they are using my story, I hope they at lest give me some credit for it.

Update. I've seen the first trailer for Frozen 2. First impression, it is not my story. I'm a little disappointed; but honestly, what I have been seeing online, Elsa was going to remain single in Frozen 2.

2nd update. OK I have seen Frozen 2 twice. First time through, I disliked the movie. However, I had my own story on my mind. So I figured I was prejudice because of it. When it came around a second time at my local theater, I decided to watch it again. I liked it better the second time, but two things I still dislike about the movie. First thing I dislike was the fact that they made Elsa the fifth element. The second thing I disliked was the fact that they made Anna queen. For me, those two things completely destroy my story. Basically, my dreams can no longer fit into the world of Arendelle. Part of me is tempted to delete all of my stories because of that.

If anyone is interested, I am done with Frozen 4. It is called "A Frozen Christmas". Frozen 4 for me started out as an emotional journey in my head. I sort of knew the emotions I wanted the characters to go through but I didn't have the details well defined. The trick for me was trying to convey that emotion in a written form. That was a struggle for me. So I am disappointed with the over all story. Though I do think it has a few good points in it.

OK, so I have seen "Olaf's Frozen Adventure". I'm nearly certain that they did use my idea concerning Anna and Elsa in the half hour show. However, since most of the show was about Olaf, I think I can only take a very very limited amount of credit for the story development.

I don't know if I will be doing another story. I've sort of lost interest in writing at the moment. However, here is a brief description that I have for a Frozen 5. The current title that I have for it is "Kindred Spirits". Since I was noticing people talk about putting Jack Frost and Elsa together, I thought I might do a story where Jack Frost comes to Arendelle. However, my Jack Frost will be a development of my own. Since I have not seen the Dreamworks movie.

Anyway, in my story, Jack Frost ends up getting in between Elsa and Kristian. Of course this puts a strain on their relationship. Anyway, it is a story that I have not yet put a lot of thought into yet. Maybe someone else will take a crack at writing that idea.

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Frozen 4 A Frozen Christmas reviews
The next stage of my Frozen saga, based on the Disney movie Frozen. It is Christmas time, and Kristian is having some difficulty in handling the festive season. Also, two strangers come to Arendelle. This causes Elsa and the others some concern. This is because of the reasons that they offer for coming to Arendelle.
Frozen - Rated: K+ - English - Chapters: 20 - Words: 75,703 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 8 - Follows: 10 - Updated: 6/6/2016 - Published: 9/13/2015 - Complete
Frozen 3 Fire Demon's Curse reviews
A continuation of my story "Frozen 2". A problem will arise with Kristian and Elsa will attempt to solve it.
Frozen - Rated: K+ - English - Chapters: 30 - Words: 109,878 - Reviews: 19 - Favs: 9 - Follows: 7 - Updated: 7/12/2015 - Published: 11/22/2014 - Anna, Elsa, Sven - Complete
Frozen 2 Fire and Ice reviews
I'm a day dreamer, trying to put one down in writing. This one is based on Disney's Frozen. The main premise of the story follows a guy through Arendelle and his emotional struggle in dealing with Elsa. The twist here is the fact that the guy has magic as well, but his power is over fire. The reason he came to Arendelle in the first place also provides some complications.
Frozen - Rated: K+ - English - Chapters: 25 - Words: 119,837 - Reviews: 26 - Favs: 30 - Follows: 22 - Updated: 11/13/2014 - Published: 10/18/2014 - Anna, Elsa, Olaf, Duke of Weselton - Complete